Het DX-nieuws van week 19 2021. Ook nu weer verzameld door Henk - PD3H.

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation globally, announced activities might be cut short, postponed, cancelled or even extended at any time and without notice...

 DXcalender 2021Mei

******************************* D X N E W S by PD3H ********************************
************************************* Sources: ******************************************
****************************** 425DXNews, DX-World *********************************
****************************** OPDX, OKDXA, Twitter *********************************


3A, MONACO (Update/Reminder). Operators Ennio/IW1RBI (Team Leader), Alessandro/IZ1AZA, Gianluca/IU1KBL and Andrea/IU1JXW will be active as 3A/IW1RBI from Monaco during a weekend between the end of May and mid-June. This all depends on the Covid-19 restrictions. Activity will be on 80-6 meters using CW, SSB and FT8 (F/H). QSL via the address on QRZ.com or LoTW.


3W, VIETNAM (Delayed Again). Brian, AA5H, who was expected to be active as 3W9OK from Da Nang (WW Loc. OK46), Vietnam, between May and June, has delayed (states "temporarily suspend") his operation again due to Convid-19 restrictions.


3Y0J BOUVET ISLAND DXPEDITION (Posting on eHam.net by Paul, N6PSE, dated May 7th)[edited]. 3Y0J will be a DXpedition with a focus on good, fast and accurate operating. QSO rates will be very high. We have assembled a team of strong operators who will strive to work everyone. We will focus on CW/SSB/Digital for the 10-160 meter bands. Our goal is to match our VP8STI/VP8SGI achievement with 135,000 contacts made.
In the later stages of the DXpedition, we will use proven techniques to work the weakest of callers. We will also use techniques to work the Youth in our audience.
There will be no live real time log search, however we will upload to Clublog and M0OXO log search once each day. We look forward to this activation and satisfying the need for Bouvet contacts.
Thank you,
Paul N6PSE
Co-Leaders, 3Y0J


4L, GEORGIA. Operator Vaho, 4L8A, will be active during the CQWW WPX CW Contests (May 29-30th) as a Single-Op/Single-Band (20m) entry. QSL via M0OXO or LoTW.


5R, MADAGASCAR. Daniel, 6W7RP, reports on QRZ.com [edited]: After 21 years of being in Senegal using the callsign 6W7RP, here I am on the north-side of the Island of Nosy Be (AF-057), in Madagascar. (He is using a) Very small radio station compared to that of Senegal, I am currently dealing with a FT1000MP and a vertical R8 antenna, which allows me to find my old friends
in France and elsewhere." QSL via: Daniel Eichenberger, Ankalampo B.P. 314, Nosy Be, 207 Madagascar.


5U, NIGER (Reminder). Adrien, F4IHM, is expected to be back on the air again as 5UAIHM between May 10th and June 15th. Activity will be limited, but on 40/20 meters CW/SSB (watch around 1700z). QSL via F4IHM, direct or by the Bureau.


8N0-8N9, JAPAN (Special Event). The following special event station are now on the air to commemorate the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics until September 5th:
8N0OLP -- QTH Omachi-City, Nagano; JCC 0912; GL PM86WL; IOTA AS-007
8N0OLP -- QTH Uonuma-City, Niigata; JCC 0825; GL PM97LG
8N1OLP -- QTH Hachioji, Tokyo; JCC 1002; GL PM95QQ; IOTA AS-007
8N1OLP -- QTH Takasaki, Gumma; JCC 1602; GL PM96MI; IOTA AS-007
8N2OLP -- QTH Hamamatsu-City, Shizuoka; JCC 180203; GL PM84TR; IOTA AS-007
8N3OLP -- QTH Uda-City, Nara; JCC 2412; GL PM74; IOTA AS-007
8N4OLP -- QTH Matsue-City, Shimane; JCC 3201; GL PM65NK; IOTA AS-007
8N4OLP -- QTH Ube-City, Yamaguchi; JCC 3303; GL PM53PX; IOTA AS-007
8N5OLP -- QTH Takamatsu-city, Kagawa; JCC 3601; GL PM74BH; IOTA AS-076
8N6OLP -- QTH Tikujyo Fukuoka; JCG 40011; GL PM53MP; IOTA AS-077
8N7OLP -- QTH Watari, Miyagi; JCG 0117; GL QM08KA; IOTA AS-007
8N8OLP -- QTH Sapporo-City, Hokkaido; JCC 010106; GL QN02QX; IOTA AS-078
8N8OLP -- QTH Ebetsu-City, Hokkaido; JCC 0117; GL QN03SB; IOTA AS-078
8N9OLP -- QTH Toyama-City, Toyama; JCC 2801; GL PM86OQ; IOTA AS-007
8N9OLP -- QTH Nanto-City, Toyama; JCC 2810; GL PM86LN; IOTA AS-007
Activity will be on 160-6 meters on various modes. QSL all stations via the Bureau or direct: c/o JARL, Toshima-ku, Tokyo 170-8073 Japan. A log search will be on ClubLog. All the QSL cards will be sent to you via the Bureau automatically. You don't need to send them your QSL card. However, if you would like to receive their QSL card directly, please send them your QSL card directly with SASE. There was a mention that they may add LoTW.
Details about a special 2020 JARL Commemorative Award and Commemorative
QSO Party can be found on the following Web pages at:
https://www.jarl.org/English/4_Library/A-4-2_Awards/T2020-e.htm and


AM5, SPAIN (Special Event). Members of the Cartagena Team group will activate the special event callsigns AM5IP between May 28th and June 6th. A special QSL commemorating the 170th anniversary of the birth of Isaac Peral, a Spanish scientist, sailor and military man, lieutenant in the
Navy and inventor of the first torpedo submarine known as the Peral submarine. Operations will be on all bands and modes such as CW, SSB and FT8. It will also be activated on DMR, D-STAR and C4FM to give non-HF operators the opportunity to get the special QSL. QSL via EA5CP direct.
QSLs will be sent automatically via the Bureau. See QRZ.com for more details.


AN5, SPAIN (Special Event). Members of the Torrent Digital Radio are now active with the special callsign AN5OKW until May 13th. Activity is to mark the 76th anniversary of the surrender of the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht "OKW", and the end of the Second World War in Europe. Activity will be on CW, FT8/FT4 and QO100 satellite. Operators mentioned are Pascual/EA5WO, Juan/EA5FQS and Alfredo/EB5R. QSL Manager is EA5WO, direct or by the URE Bureau. A special QSL will be sent automatically by the URE Bureau after completion of operation AN5OKW.


AN5, SPAIN (Special Event). In celebration of the 156th anniversary of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), a group of Spanish radio amateurs together with Ure-Cullera Radio Club of Valencia (EA5RKX), and Les Bacores DX, will activate the special callsign AN5ITU between
May 8-23rd. Activity will be on various HF, VHF, UHF bands and the satellite QO-100, using all possible modes (SSB, CW, RTTY, PSK, JT65, FT4/FT8, ROS, etc ...). QSOs will be confirmed once the activation period has passed by eQSL, LoTW, and via EB5R direct.


CN - In celebration of the 18th birthday of Prince Moulay Hassan, the heir apparent to the Moroccan throne, special callsign CN18MH (QSL via RW6HS) will be active on 5-10 May. Also, CN amateurs can use the prefix CN18 (e.g. CN18ZG for CN8ZG and CN18MM for CN8MM) during the same time frame.


CN - 5C1AR is a special callsign for the International Day of Argania
(10 May: https://www.un.org/en/observances/argania-day). QSL via RW6HS.


CN - Celebrating the 65th anniversary of the creation of the Forces Armees Royales (the Royal Moroccan Armed Forces), special callsign CN65FAR will be active on 10-16 May. QSL via RW6HS.


CR65, PORTUGAL (Special Event). Look for special event station CR65PQ from Tancos, Portugal, to be active in celebration of the 65th anniversary of Tropas Paraquedistas (Portuguese Paratroopers) between May 17-23rd. QSL via CT1EHX. Wikipedia states, "The Portuguese Paratroopers are an
elite infantry assault force representing the bulk of the airborne forces of Portugal. They were created in 1956 as part of the Portuguese Air Force, being transferred to the Portuguese Army in 1993." Visit their Web page at: https://www.paraquedistas.com.pt


EA - 17 May marks the anniversary of the signing of the first International Telegraph Convention and the creation of the International Telecommunication Union. Celebrating that event, special callsign AN5ITU will be active on 8-23 May on all bands and modes. QSL via eQSL, LoTW, or direct to EB5R.


E6, NIUE. There have been reports that Roly, ZL1BQD, is preparing a business trip to the island as soon as travel restrictions are lifted related to COVID-19. He expects to be active as E6AR during his free time. Look for more details to be forthcoming. QSL via ZL1BQD.


ES - Sergei, ES1LL will be active as ES1LL/8 from Kihnu Island (EU-178) on 29-30 May. He will be joining Ed, ES2TT/8, and will operate SSB and possibly digital modes.


F - TM100CLG is the special callsign for the Radio Club de l'agglomeration Dunkerquoise (F8KGS) to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the town of Cappelle-la-Grande on 15-29 May. QSL via F8KGS.


GB5, GUERNSEY (Reminder). Members of the Guernsey Amateur Radio Society (GARS) will activate the special event station GB5LIB between 0001 UTC, May 8th, and 2359 UTC, May 14th. Activity will be on all bands and modes from 160-10 meters, and maybe 4/6m if conditions allow. Some satellite
operation is likely too, including QO100. The station will be on air to celebrate the 76th anniversary of the Liberation of the islands in the Bailiwick of Guernsey. QSL via LoTW (preferred), but see QRZ.com for more details.


GB95, ENGLAND (Special Event). Nigel, G0GDA, will be active as GB95QB to celebrate Queen Elizabeth II's 95th birthday between June 6-13th. Activity will be on various HF bands using CW, SSB, RTTY, PSK and FT8. QSL only via eQSL. No paper QSLs or LoTW. For more details and pictures, see
QRZ.com at: https://www.qrz.com/db/GB95QB


GI - The North West Group ARC (MN0NWG) will run special event station GB0AEL on 15-23 May to commemorate Amelia Earhart’s transatlantic crossing in 1932. QSL via eQSL. On 20-21 May 1932, Earhart became the first woman - and the only person since Charles Lindbergh – to fly nonstop and alone across the Atlantic, leaving Harbor Grace, Newfoundland, Canada, and landing 15 hours later near Londonderry, Northern Ireland.


JA - Promoting and celebrating the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games, special stations 8N1OLP, 8N2OLP, 8N3OLP, 8N4OLP, 8N5OLP, 8N6OLP, 8N7OLP, 8N8OLP, 8N9OLP and 8N0OLP will be active between 1 May and 5 September from various locations across the country (see qrz.com for each station's details). Also active, but especially looking for QSOs with JA stations, will be ten stations 8J#OLYMPIC. The logs will be uploaded to Club Log, and all QSOs will be confirmed automatically via the bureau. Direct cards should be sent to JARL's HQ (Japan Amateur Radio League, Otsuka HT biru 6-kai, 3-43-1 Minami Otsuka, Toshima-ku, Tokyo, 170-8073, Japan). Information about the Tokyo 2020 JARL Commemorative Award and Commemorative QSO Party can be found respectively at
https://www.jarl.org/English/4_Library/A-4-2_Awards/T2020-e.htm and


LU, ARGENTINA (LH Op). Manu, LU9ESD, will be active as LU9ESD/XO (XO means Santa Cruz Province) from the Cabo Curioso Lighthouse (ARG-024) between May 8th and June 8th. He will also be an entry in the Argentinean HF Tournament (40 meters only; RTTY 1900-1959 UTC, SSB 2100-2259 UTC).


MM1, SCOTLAND. Gordon, MM0GOR, will be active as MM1E near Glasgow, Scotland during the CQWW WPX CW Contest (May 29-30th), probably as a a Single-Op/All-Bands entry. QSL via ClubLog's OQRS or LoTW. NO Bureau QSLs.

PA - Special callsign PD21EUROSONG will be active on 8-22 May to celebrate the 65th edition of the Eurovision Song Contest to be held in Rotterdam. All QSOs will be confirmed automatically via the bureau, as well as via LoTW and eQSL.


PA827, THE NETHERLANDS (Museum Ship Event). Operators Jan/PA7X, Ruud/PD0RH and Willem/PA3CNI will be active as PA827HGV from the former minesweeper "HNLMS Hoogeveen" during the Museum Ship Weekend 2021. Activity will be between 0000z, June 5th and 2359z, June 6th. Operations will be on all HF bands using CW and SSB. The "HNLMS Hoogeveen" is moored in Den Helder, Netherlands (http://www.vvkm.nl/hoogeveen.html). Listen for QSL instructions.


TA - Special event station TC568FA commemorates the anniversary of a key event of the Late Middle Ages: the Fall of Constantinople (29 May 1453), also known as the Conquest of Istanbul. Look for activity on all bands and modes between 30 April and 28 June. A certificate will be available: https://logman.taqst.net/


TX7, MARQUESAS ISLANDS. There has been an announcement that there will be a 2021 DXpedition to Marquesas Islands (FO/M) using the callsign TX7O. Currently no other details are available but will be forthcoming.


VK - Members of the Bendigo Amateur Radio and Electronics Club will run special event station VI3MILLS from Anderson's Mill (VIC) on 8-9 May. Look for activity on or around 3655 kHz and 7115 kHz. An eQSL can be requested by email (VK3CMZ[@]barec.net.au


VK9X - VK6SJ's trip to Christmas Island (OC-002) has been postponed and is now scheduled for
25 May to 15 June. Steve will be active as VK9XX, "mostly outside working hours and focused on the night time bands and mainly FT8". QSL via EB7DX.


ZP, PARAGUAY. Ed, N2TA, will be active as ZP5AA from the Radio Club Paraguayo in Asuncion, Paraguay, during the CQWW WPX CW Contest (May 29-30th) as a Single-Op entry. QSL Manager for ZP5AA Radio Club Paraguayo is ZP5DBC.


Iota News
AS-200. Take, JI3DST, will once again be active as JI3DST/5 (mainly for DX and 6m Multi-Hop), JR8YLY/5 (mainly for JA) or JR8YLY/P for FT8 from Shodo Island between 0700z, May 19th, and 0000z, May 21st, and again between 0700z, May 26th, and 0000z, May 28th. Operation may vary due to heavy rain or other conditions. Activity will be on (possibly 80)/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6 meters using CW, SSB, RTTY and FT8 (possibly FM/RTTY). QSL JI3DST/5 via ClubLog's OQRS (direct or by the Bureau). QSL JR8YLY/5 via ClubLog (only Bureau).

EU-092. Operators Col/MM0NDX and Jonathan/MM0OKG, members of the MS0INT team, are planning to be active from Horse Island (Summer Isles) between July 24-26th. The operators plan to participate in the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 24-25th) as GM5DX. They will be on various bands and modes before and after the contest. Look for more details as it gets closer to the operation.

EU-123. Gordon, MM0GOR, will once again be active as MM1E from Great Cumbrae Island during the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 24-25th) (usually) as a Single-Op/All-Bands/SSB-Mode/DXpedition/12-Hrs/High-Power entry. QSL via ClubLog's OQRS or LoTW. NO Bureau QSLs.

EU-178. Sergei, ES1LL, is expected to activate Kihnu Island, Estonia, sometime during May as ES1LL/8. Activity will be on various HF bands using SSB and FT8. QSL via ClubLog, LoTW or eQSL.

NA-039/ (UPDATE) Members of the Russian Robinson Club have resumed
NA-070. their plans to activate Adak Island (NA-039) and the rare Kiska Island (NA-070) in Alaska's Aleutians between June 30th and July 17th. Callsign to be used is KL7RRC.
The tentative dates are as follows:
NA-039 -- Adak Island between June 30th-July 3rd & July 14-16th
NA-070 -- Kiska Island between July 7-12th
The KL7RRC team currently includes: Hal/W8HC, Rob/N7QT, Tim/NL8F, Walt/N6XG and Yuri/N3QQ. Activity will be on 40-6 meters using CW, SSB and FT8 (F/H). FT8 frequencies are listed on their
Web page: https://www.na-234.com
Hal, W8HC, reported the following on the KL7RCC’s FaceBook page, May 5th: "Two pallets weighing 983 pounds and containing much of the equipment required for our upcoming KL7RRC operation set for July, was opened and inventoried today as we continue preparation for the much anticipated IOTA DXpedition to Kiska (NA-070) and Adak Islands (NA-029) located in Alaska’s remote Aleutian Islands. These IOTA activations will be conducted by members of the Russian Robinson Club and we will be using the Club callsign KL7RRC from both IOTA Island operations. The two pallets were actually sent to Alaska last year in advance of the originally planned 2020 trip which was unfortunately cancelled due to Covid-19. See picture on FaceBook:
This KL7RRC equipment has been stored for over a year by KL7RRC team member Tim NL8F. Tim is a veteran DXpeditioner who lives in Dutch Harbor on Amaknak Island, Unalaska, Alaska. History buffs will also know that Dutch Harbor was the location of the Battle of Dutch Harbor in June 1942, and was one of the few sites in the United States to be subjected to aerial bombardment by a foreign power during World War II. Stay tuned for more updates on the KL7RRC project."
Obviously, donations will be greatly appreciated in support of this challenging IOTA DXpedition. They can be sent via PayPal linked to the RRC website (https://www.na-234.com) or via check and payable to: Russian Robinson Club and note "Donation for KL7RRC 2021 Expedition." Please mail to Yuri, N3QQ, via his QRZ.com mailing address. QSLs for KL7RRC (Kiska Island, NA-070) and KL7RRC (Adak Island, NA-039) via N7RO. ALL donors will receive direct QSLs. Continue to check or bookmark the RRC website for updates and additional operating plans. Also watch their FaceBook page:

OC-138. (Update) After sending out last week's bulletin, Steve, VK6SJ, announced that his operation was back on and was able to be active as VK6SJ/4 from the Torres Strait Group. Activity was a short operation and is now QRT. QSL via EB7DX.

OC-166. A team of operators will be active as YB1JYL/7 from Sebuku Island between June 10-11th. Activity will be on various HF bands using SSB and FT8. QSL via EA5GL.

Qsl Info
EI1IMD ------ Gerard Scannell, 3 Kingston Close, Mitchelstown, Co. Cork, P67 HR44, Ireland
EI2IMD ------ Alan Buckley, Mohurry, Kiltealy, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford, Y21 Y928, Ireland
GB2OWM --- Ed Holt, Ashwell, St. Ola, Kirkwall, KW15 1SX, United Kingdom
HB2C --------- Amateurfunk-Club Falkenstein, Postfach 158, 4710 Balsthal, Switzerland
HB2U -------- Marco Hardmeier, Via Ponte Tresa 15, 6924 Sorengo, Switzerland
IY0M --------- Tony Privitera, Via Enrico Fermi 2, 00058 Santa Marinella RM, Italy
IY7GMB ----- Vincenzo Mangione, Via Eduardo De Filippo 18, 70010 Valenzano BA, Italy
JD1BHA ----- Mikio Goto, Haha Jima, Ogasawara Mura, Tokyo, 100-2211, Japan
JD1BQA ----- Takio Hata, 921-25 Roku Jo, Yasu-shi, Shiga 520-2412, Japan
N4GNR ------ Dan Cisson, 12 Hancock Drive, Toccoa GA 30577-9388, USA
R1ASP ------- Vladimir V. Lysenko, PO Box 300, Kronstadt, Sankt-Peterburg, 197760, Russia
VO1IMD ---- SONRA, PO Box 8441 STN A, St. John's NL A1B 3N9, Canada
VO1MRC --- Marconi ARC of Newfoundland, PO Box 1033, Torbay NL A1K 1K8, Canada
VP8VPC ---- Bob McLeod, 75 Davis Street, Stanley, FIQQ 1ZZ, Falkland Islands

No Info received

Ted Trowell G2HKU, one of the UK's oldest and longest-serving radio amateurs, has died just weeks after celebrating his 98th birthday.


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INDONESIAN ISLANDS HUNTING MARATHON ---> The Indonesian Islands Hunting Marathon is designed to promote IOTA activity over a 4-month period, starting at 00.00 UTC on 1 June and ending at 23.59 UTC on 30 September. World stations work as many different Indonesian IOTA Groups as possible; YB stations work world stations in as many different IOTA Groups and DXCC Entities as possible. Any band and any mode (CW, SSB and digital). Complete information: https://mdxc---iihgs-indonesian-islands-hunting-marathon.webnode.it/


JW0W ---> The 21-26 July IOTA DXpedition to Prins Karls Forland (EU-063) has set up a public group on Facebook to provide information and updates: https://www.facebook.com/groups/288876866220488.


LIGHTNING PROTECTION ---> "Lightning Protection for Amateur Radio Stations" was recently presented by Lloyd Berg, N9LB. Lloyd has 50 years of experience as a broadcast engineer, building and maintaining AM, FM and TV broadcast stations. Learn from a professional how to make your station as lightning resistant as possible. The video of the programme is now available via the
Madison DX Club's website: http://www.madisondxclub.org/MDXC_Programs.html.


QSL GALLERY ---> The large collection of QSL cards on Les Nouvelles DX's website has been updated. Sixteen different galleries include 19,012 cards for the ten Most Wanted DXCC Entities (2011-20), the 62 deleted DXCC Entities, obsolete prefixes, stations from Maghreb from 1945 to 1962, Allied Forces stations in Germany (1945-80), special stations commemorating ITU and IARU, stations using the United Nations prefix (4U), Antarctic bases and TAAF (Terres Australes and Antarctiques Francaises), the various French DXCC island Entities in the Pacific Ocean, the Indian Ocean and the Americas (from 1945 to 1969), pre-1945 countries, French Departments and CONUS, plus a gallery for cards not accepted by DXCC. Your participation is encouraged: http://www.lesnouvellesdx.fr/galerieqsl.php.


VHSC ---> Celebrating the 60th anniversary of the Very High Speed Club, special callsigns OE60VHSC (7 May-7 June), OZ60VHSC, PA60VHSC, PH60VHSC and Z360VHSC will be active in May. QSL via operator's instructions. Founded on 1 May 1961, the VHSC is for QRQ operators who have "the capability of solid copy and excellent keying at a speed of 40 wpm, during at least 30 minutes": http://www.morsecode.nl/vhsc%20club.html.


VK6SJ/4 ---> Steve, VK6SJ was able to go to the Torres Strait IOTA group (OC-138) after all, and was QRV as VK6SJ/4 from the islands of Poruma (Coconut) and Thursday between 3 and 7 May. His trip was shortened and his operating time was very limited. QSL via EB7DX.


VP8 CALLSIGNS ---> The Falkland Islands Communications Regulator is providing a final opportunity for non-resident lifetime licence owners to have their VP8 callsigns revalidated by 31 August 2021. See the "Notice of Direction" (27 April): https://regulatorfi.org.fk/news/83-notice-of-direction.

WSJ ARTICLE. The link below is an interesting article by John McCormick, K9KE, NIDXA member, on the front page of Wall Street Journal (May 7th). The article talks about how "Die-hard ham-radio operators brave storms, sharks, brutal temperatures to set up temporary transmitting stations
in the most remote spots around the world." However, you must be a subscriber to WSJ to read the whole article:


A25RU/C92RU DXPEDITION VIDEO. About a 15 minute video of the recent 2021 A25RU/C92RU Botswana and Mozambique DXpeditions is available on YouTube.com at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJXrYgL92BE&t=28s

