Het DX-nieuws van week 23 2021. Ook nu weer verzameld door Henk - PD3H.

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation globally, announced activities might be cut short, postponed, cancelled or even extended at any time and without notice...

 DXcalender 2021Mei

******************************* D X N E W S by PD3H ********************************
************************************* Sources: ******************************************
****************************** 425DXNews, DX-World *********************************
****************************** OPDX, OKDXA, Twitter *********************************

3W - Jun, JH4RHF/OE1JUN (ex OE1ZKC) has bee active as XV9RH from Hanoi since 31 May and will remain in Vietnam until 26 June. In his spare time he operates CW and FT8 on 20-10 metres. QSL via OE1JUN.

A9 - The Bahrain Amateur Radio Society will operate special callsign A91BFA on 3-15 June. QSL via EC6DX. The suffix stands for Bahrain Football Association, and the activity is in support of the national football (soccer) team in its progress in the 2022 FIFA World Cup Qualification process.

DL - DARC Team SES (Special Event Station) will be active as DR60ANT between 1 June and 31 December. QSL via the bureau, or direct to DL2VFR. Also active during the same time frame will be DQ60ANT, operated by DL1RUN. The special callsigns memorialize the 60th anversary since the Antarctic Treaty entered into force on 23 June 1961). The Treaty covers the area south of 60 degrees South latitude; it sets aside Antarctica as a scientific preserve, establishes freedom of scientific investigation, and bans military activity on the continent.

F - F1PHB, F4HEI, F5BQU, F5PPG, F5TLZ and F6BGH will be active as TM57COV on 15-29 June. QSL via F-11734, direct or bureau. The special callsign honours the victims of the pandemic and the healthcare professionals who are still working hard to fight it.

G - GB95QB is the special callsign for Nigel, G0GDA to celebrate Queen Elizabeth II's 95th birthday on 6-13 June. The British sovereign's official birthday celebration is held on the second Saturday in
June, regardless of his/her actual birth date. QSL only via eQSL.

HI - HI95RCD is the special callsign for Radio Club Dominicano (HI8RCD, officially founded on 12 June 1926) to celebrate its 95th anniversary on 12-23 June. QSL via LoTW.

HL - D721LP is the Korean Amateur Radio League's special event station celebrating IARU HF QRP Day (17 June). It will be active on 1-30 June; QSL via LoTW.

I - Look for IG9/IK5RUN and IG9/IK5MES to be active holiday style from Lampedusa Island
(AF-019) on 12-25 June. They will operate mainly SSB. QSL via home calls.

JA - On 22 June 1961 Isamu Ishibashi, KR8AB became the first amateur radio station from Okinawa. Celebrating the 60th anniversary since then, JARL's Okinawa Branch (JR6RL) will be active as 8N60HAM between 1 June and 31 December. QSL via the bureau.

OA - Celebrating the bicentennial of Peruvian independence, the Asociacion de Radioaficionados del Peru (OA4P) will operate special callsigns OC4B, OC6B and OC7B until 31 December. Look for activity on 40, 20, 17 and 15 metres SSB and FT8. A digital QSL will be available by email (Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.).

UA - Celebrating Russia Day, the national holiday of the Russian Federation (12 June), special callsigns R21RUS, RO21RU, RT21RU, RU21RU and RW21RU will be active on 7-13 June. A number of certificates will be available on https://hamlog.online/club/mdxc.

UA9 - Gennady, R5QA and Andrey, R9YU will be active from all of the 19 Tuva Republic's administrative districts indicatively between 4 and 15 June. They will operate mobile under the Medvezh'ja Poljana Radio Club's callsign (UB5O), as well as their own callsigns. The
logs will be uploaded to LoTW and the Russian Districts Award Auto Credit Server (https://mydx.eu). The Tuvan republic lies at the geographical center of Asia, in southern Siberia.

XT - Harald, DF2WO will again be active again as XT2AW from Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso starting on 13 June for three weeks. He will operate CW, FT8 and SAT modes; SSB will be used "but only when conditions allow propagation". QSL via M0OXO (https://www.m0oxo.com/oqrs/) and LoTW.


Iota News
No info received

Qsl Info
QSL SV2RSG/A ---> SV1RP is the new QSL manager for Monk Iakovos, SV2RSG/A, from Mount Athos. QSL direct to George K. Vlachopoulos, Panselinou 26, 11 141 Athens, Greece.

EA5GL (new) Qsl manager for: BV6CC (Jack)

No Info received

Nils-Goran Persson, SM6CAS passed away on 24 May. Licensed since 1959, he was a DXer with a total of 357 Entities in the DXCC Mixed standings, and was a doyen of IOTA chasing, as he gained his initial certificate #7 in 1967. He operated from various island groups in Sweden and Iceland (TF4/SM6CAS and TF4WW, EU-168), and in the Nineties he was active from the Pacific, notably as V63CS (OC-012, OC-078 and OC-180 in 1993), T33CS (Banaba 1994), 3D2CT/3D2CU (Conway Reef 1995), T31T and ZK3CW (the 1999 "Double Trouble" DXpedition to Central Kiribati and Tokelau). Nils was also the driving force behind the 2010 T32 Southern Line Islands operation that activated four new IOTAs.

Jaarbericht Agentschap Telecom 2020

Building A Multi-Band HF Dipole Antenna
High Quality 5 bander CobWeb Antenna


Speaker Wire EFHW Antennas

Eight Tips For successful Low Power Radio Contacts – QRP

Revisiting the Rybakov 806 Vertical

MFJ-1234 – RigPi Station Server Review

Fan-Dipoles for the Shortwave Bands

Ham Sticks on a Motorcycle!
Radio interference from Solar Panels – RFI


BAHRAIN AND KYRGYZSTAN JOIN IARU ---> The IARU member-societies have voted to admit the Bahrain Amateur Radio Society (BARS) and the Amateur Radio Union of the Kyrgyz Republic (ARUKR) to membership. BARS was founded on 23 July 2020; as of September there were 15 members out of a total of 88 licensed radio amateurs in the Kingdom. ARUKR was founded on 25 October 2013, and as of October 2019 all 110 licensed amateurs in the country were members.


CQ DX MARATHON ---> The CQ DX Marathon is a year-long DX hunt, with participants competing to see who can work the greatest number of countries ("entities") and CQ zones during the calendar year. Complete results of the 2020 edition are on http://www.dxmarathon.com/Results/2020/Results2020.htm.


YASME FOUNDATION SUPPORTING GRANTS ---> The Yasme Foundation has announced
that the following grants were made at its 26 May board meeting:
* Oscar Pancorvo (OA4AMN) and Pablo Valentin Vazquez (OA4AI) in support of their youth training program in Peru.
* Maranyundo School (Rwanda) - amateur radio books and training material, to help establish a radio club.
* Seychelles Amateur Radio Club (SARA) - ongoing support for license exams and fees. Yasme has already helped eight residents pass the RSGB Foundation exam and get their S79 callsigns.
The Yasme Foundation (http://www.yasme.org/) is a not-for-profit corporation organized to support scientific and educational projects related to amateur radio, including DXing and the introduction and promotion of amateur radio in developing countries.

