Het DX-nieuws van week 28 2021. Ook nu weer verzameld door Henk - PD3H.
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation globally, announced activities might be cut short, postponed, cancelled or even extended at any time and without notice...
******************************* D X N E W S by PD3H ********************************
************************************* Sources: ******************************************
****************************** 425DXNews, DX-World *********************************
****************************** OPDX, OKDXA, Twitter *********************************
1B, TURKISH REP. OF NORTH CYPRUS. Tevfik, TA1HZ (ex-ZD8HZ), has announced that he has moved to Iskele city in the district known as the Turkish Republic of North Cyprus (TRNC). Tev states that he has "received the necessary permit from local authority to be on the air as 1B/TA1HZ." QSL via eQSL or direct to the address on QRZ.com. PLEASE NOTE: The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) is a self proclaimed state (part of Cyprus), which is only recognized by Turkey. The TRNC does not count for anything for DXCC purposes. Also, the use of the 1B prefix is illegal and is not sanctioned by the ITU. For more details about TRNC, see:
Also, please read the article written by SM0JHF:
3DA0RU KINGDOM OF ESWATINI DXPEDITION (Update). More operators have been added to the 3DA0RU team. Operators mentioned are Nick/R5EC, Vasily/R7AL, Vasily/RA1ZZ, Vladimir/RK8A, Leo/RW9JZ, Slav/OK8AU, Wlodek/SP6EQZ and Albert/UB9WLJ. They will be active as 3DA0RU from Eswatini between October 22nd and November 8th. Activity will be on 160-6 meters using CW, SSB and FT8 (F/H). QSL via R7AL or ClubLog's OQRS (preferable). For more details and updates, see: https://dxpedition.wixsite.com/3da0ru
3F200, PANAMA (Special Event). Operators Jose/HP2AT and Emilio/HP2NG are using the special callsigns 3F200AT and 3F200NG to celebrate the 200th anniversary of Panama independence from Spain (1821-2021). Activity actual started on June 1st, but will end on November 30th. All QSOs will be uploaded to QRZ.com, Clublog, eQSL and LoTW. A special QSL card will be printed at the end of the activity. ClubLog's OQRS will be available at the end, so you can work him on several bands and modes and request the QSL card for all QSOs. It is strongly recommended for 100% safety to use
the OQRS and PayPal payment to request the printed QSL card. Postal system is not safe, and use it at your own risk. Some envelopes were received with the money taken and resealed.
6W - Dani, EA4ATI is back to Senegal and active as 6W1/EA4ATI (3-month temporary callsign while waiting for a permanent call). He operates mainly SSB on 80-10 metres. QSL via EA4R; Dani will try to upload his log to LoTW and eQSL.
8B53, INDONESIA (Special Event). To celebrate the 53rd anniversary of the Organisasa Amatir Radio Indonesia (ORARI) and ORARI Lokal Bogor, look for the special callsign 8B53BG to be active on the air. Length of activity was not mentioned. QSL via address on QRZ.com.
9N, NEPAL. Robert, S53R (T6AA and T6A), reports on July 7th: "T6AA/T6A is closing down. Today the SpiderBeam and 6m yagi are being dismantled. All equipment will be shipped to 9N. I will participate 'lightly' in the IARU HF Championship over the coming weekend, only using the remaining
wire antennas. On Sunday (July 11th), T6AA/T6A will go off the air. Thank you all for the pileups."
C6 - Steven WA8Y (C6AYW, QSL via LoTW or direct to home call), Juan AC6ZM (C6AZM) and Richard NN2T (C6AHB, QSL via LoTW or direct to home call) will be active from North Bimini (NA-048), Bahamas on 14-21 July. They will operate CW, SSB and FT8 on 80-10 metres.
CN, MOROCCO. Bruno, IW5BBV, will be traveling via a 4X4 vehicle (see QRZ.com) to various locations in Morocco between August 5-30th. He will be active as CN2BBV mainly on 20m and 40m using SSB only. QSL via IW5BBV.
D4, CAPE VERDE. Paco, EA7KNT, will be active as EA7KNT/D4 (or possibly D4SAL) from Sal Island
(AF-086, WLOTA 0610) between August 23rd and September 5th. He will be there scouting out the island for a major operation in December with operators German/EA7AC, Pedro/EA7KNX, EA7KOB
and Luis/EA7KOL/CT1ESO.
F - TM21OG is a French special callsign to be aired from 23 July to 8 August in celebration of this year's Tokyo Olympic Games. It will be operated by members of the Radio Club du Val d'Issole (F8KGH) on 80-6 metres CW, SSB and digital modes. QSL via the bureau, LoTW, eQSL, or direct to F4GPB.
F - F4ELI, F4ELK and F6DXE will be active as TM6JVX from Ile Vierge (EU-105) on 24 July. QSL via F4ELK, direct or bureau. The special callsign pays a tribute to Jeannot Polard, F6JVX (SK since 16 November 2020).
FM - Dim, UT5UGR has been active as FM/KL7WA from Martinique (NA-107) since 7 July, and will remain there until 14 July. He will participate in the IARU HF World Championship as TO5GR. QSL via UT5UGR or Club Log's OQRS.
FO, FRENCH POLYNESIA. Yann, F1SMB, will be active as FO/F1SMB from several different islands and locations between August 2-23rd. His schedule is as followings:
August 2-6th -- Moorea (OC-046)
August 6-10th -- Tahaa (OC-067)
August 10-12th -- Bora Bora (OC-067)
August 12-15th -- Tikehau (OC-066)
August 15-17th -- Rangiroa (OC-066)
August 17-20th -- Kaharava (OC-066)
August 20-23rd -- Tahiti (OC-046)
Yann will be using an Icom IC-705 and a Yaesu FT-817ND into a HF Kits mini end-fed antennas. This is primarily a QRP operation that will be on 40/20 meters using SSB and FT8. Listen for QSL info.
GM - The 7M Contest Group (G3UNA, G3VCQ, G4ZVB, GI4FUE, M0KPD, M0YDB, M3VCQ and MI5JYK) will be active from the Isle of Arran (EU-123) on 22-25 July, including participation in the IOTA Contest. They will be signing GM7M (QSL via G3VCQ) as well as MS0SDC, with planned activity also on 6m FT8.
HC - Special callsign HD1QRC90 will be active on all bands and modes on 17-25 July to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the Quito Radio Club. QSL via EA5GL.
J8, ST. VINCENT. Brian, GW4DVB, will once again be active as J88PI from Palm Island (aka Prune Island, WW Loc. FK92HO, IOTA NA-025), in the St. Vincent and the Grenadines Island group, between July 24th and August 1st. Activity will be holiday style on 40/20/17/15/10/6 meters using CW, SSB, SSTV and FT8. He will use a Yaesu FT991A into a 10m vertical antenna, a M0CVO HW-40HP off center fed dipole and possibly new antennas. QSL via GW4DVB direct only (PayPal available) to: PO Box 20:20, Llanharan, Pontyclun, Wales - UK CF72 9ZA. For more details and updates,
check: http://www.g4dvb.co.uk
ADDED NOTE: Palm Island is an exclusive, private-island resort. This idyllic tropical hideaway is situated near the southern tip of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, an idyllic archipelago of 32 tropical islands and cays known for its stunning natural beauty, clear, warm waters and turtles.
JA - Kenji, JA4GXS he will be active again as JA4GXS/4 from Ohzu Island (AS-117) on 16-17 July. He will operate CW, SSB and FT8 on 40, 20, 17 and 6m. QSL via home call, direct or bureau.
JW0W SVALBARD DXPEDITION NEWS (Update). Erwann, LB1QI, posted the following on FaceBook (https://www.facebook.com/groups/288876866220488), June 30th [edited]: We are very happy to announce that Rune, LA7THA, will join the JW0W 2021 team! Rune is an experienced Dxpeditioner and Contester, he will bring a lot to the team and we are now a full team to go to Prins Karls
Forland (EU-063) between the July 21st and July 26th, 2021. The JW0W team composition: Allan/EA3HSO, Erwann/LB1QI, Gjermund/LA5GI, Kenneth/LA7GIA, Rune/LA7THA, Chris/LA8OM and Ronny (Security officer). If you or your club/association want to make a donation it can be sent using PayPal to (Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.). Please make sure to include your callsign with the donation. You can also visit our website: http://jw0w.no
Be ready for some Fun!
73s, JW0W Team
K9, UNITED STATES (Special Event). Special event station K9R is now active until July 18th. Activity is to celebrate the 108th birthday of one of America's most beloved comedic talents, Mr. Richard "Red" Skelton. The suggested operating schedule and frequencies are as follows:
*Daily operations: Primarily CW and SSB; 1600-2000z and 0000-0400z
*CW Frequencies: 3550, 7050, 14050, 21050, 28100 and 50025 (up 2-5 if QRM)
*SSB Frequencies: 3885, 7265, 14275, 21290, 28400, 50135 (up 2-5 if QRM)
Watch the K9R Red Skelton Museum Special Event FaceBook page for schedule updates, band opening announcements, etc.. A commemorative K9R QSL card will be issued, available ONLY with an SASE to K9R, POB 5973, Elizabeth, IN, 47117-5973. Selected items from the Skelton Museum gift shop will be awarded to stations who work K9R in the most band/modes, furthest and rarest DX, etc... Multiple QSOs (dupes on one band/mode are discouraged), no "tail enders", complete callsigns please! If you're in the Vincennes, Indiana, area or are planning a road trip don't miss the 16th Annual Red Skelton Festival July 16-17 including the Brian "Red Skelton" Hoffman Show with
Mr. Puppet, Friday and the Parade and Festival Saturday. The Museum is wonderful! Visit redskeltonmuseum (dot) org.
KL7, ALASKA. Jon, KL2A, has been fairly active from Anchorage (WW Loc. BP51), Alaska, on 30/20/17 meters CW between 0330 and 0730z. He states during the month of July he will be active on 160-6 meters using mainly CW (possibly FT8; when he figures it out) with a ICOM 7610 w/100 watts
into a GP24 vertical dipole. QSL via: PO Box 924 Cda, Idaho 83816.
LZ950, BULGARIA (Special Event). Members of the Bulgarian Radio Club Blagovestnik (LZ1KCP) continue their year long activity to honor the memory of Orthodox saints during July with the callsign LZ950TM. QSOs count towards the "All Saints - 2021" award and 10 points towards
"St. Teodosii Tyrnovski" award. QSL via Bureau or direct to LZ1KCP. For more details about the awards and the Bulgarian Club Blagovestnik, see: http://www.lz1kcp.com
ADDED NOTE: Next special event station for August is LZ363ER.
OE35, AUSTRIA (Special Event). Jo, OE6VIE, will be active as OE35EUDXF to celebrate 35th anniversary of the European DX Foundation (EUDXF) between November 1-30th. QSL via LoTW, eQSL and by the Bureau.
OH - Representing SRAL in this year's IARU HF World Championship will be twelve stations operating on all six bands, both CW and SSB simultaneously. They will be located on mainland Finland (OF2HQ) and the Aland Islands (OF0HQ). "Working the OF2HQ/OF0HQ stations on 3 bands would qualify you for a special 4-page SRAL-100 QSL card. In case you work these stations on more than three bands, the QSL card will have a special bronze, silver or gold sticker on it".
OH0 - Adrian, KO8SCA will be one of the operators at OF0HQ. After the contest he will remain there "for some extra days" with Martti, OH2BH and activate his new OH0SCA callsign from Brando Island (EU-002). QSL via KO8SCA.
OJ0, MARKET REEF (Update). Joseph, AD7D/OG7D, will be active as OJ0D from Market Reef as OJ0D between August 25-28th. Activity will be primarily on QO-100 satellite, but "perhaps" some HF SSB. QSL via loTW or via OG7D.
OY, FAROE ISLANDS (Update). Stian, LB5SH, has announced that he will be on a "Mini expedition" to Tórshavn, Faroe Islands (EU-018), and be active as OY/LB5SH between September 17-20th. Activity will mainly be on SSB and FT8. Bands of operation depend on what antennas he can take and set up at his QTH. He might do a few QSOs in the SAC CW Contest (September 18-19th) as well. All QSOs will be confirmed on QRZ.com and LoTW.
PJ7, SINT MAARTEN (FS/W5JON Canceled). After his St. Kitts (V4) operation, John, W5JON/V47JA, will be going to Sint Martin instead, in St. Martin (FS) between October 18-23rd, and be active as PJ7/W5JON (not FS/W5JON as first reported). John states, "Sorry they just told me the home I wanted in St Martin is no longer available. BUT a better one on Sint Maarten is available..... All else including my St. Kitts and St. Eustatius trips and dates are unchanged." [see OPDX.1521] His radio equipment is a Yaesu FT-891, Elecraft KPA-500 Amplifier and dipoles. Activity will be on 40-6 meters using SSB and FT8. ALL QSLs go to W5JON direct or via LoTW. NO Bureau QSLs.
PY - Celebrating the Games of the XXXII Olympiad to be held in Tokyo, Mor, PT7ZT will be active as ZV32ZT from 15 July to 13 August. He will operate SSB and digital modes. QSL via LoTW, or direct to PT7ZT.
SN88, POLAND (Special Event). Members of the "Mysliborski Klub Lacznosci PZK (SP1PMY) have activated the special event callsign SN88LOT from Mysliborz, Poland, until August 31st. The station will commemorate 88nd anniversary of the flight over Atlantic Ocean by two Lithuanian pilots,
Steponas Darius and Stasys Girenas, who flew from New York in a little airplane called "Lituanica" to Kaunas on 15th of July 1933. Their flight ended with catastrophe in a forest near the village of Pszczelnik (ca. 6 km from Myslibórz, West Pomeranian Voivodeship). There is a monument
dedicated to those two brave airmen at the place where airplane fell. At this monument, every year, a celebrations take place with highest Polish and Lithuanian representatives. QSL via SP1PMY, direct or by the Bureau.
TM108, FRANCE (Special Event). Michel, F8GGZ, has been activating the special event station TM108TDF to celebrate the 108th edition of the Tour de France cycling race. His next activity will be July 17-18th. QSL via F8GGZ by the Bureau.
TM25, FRANCE (Special Event). Members of the Walburg Stork Radio Club des Cigognes will be active with the special callsign TM25KAV from Walburg, France, during July and August 2021, to commemorate their 25th anniversary. Activity will be on various HF bands using CW and SSB. Scheduled dates are available on QRZ.com. A special QSL card will be available via the Bureau.
TM42, FRANCE (Special Event). Look for special event station TM42CDXC to be active during the 42nd Clipperton DX Club Convention being held in Yenne (Savoie), France, between September 17-19th. QSL via F5CWU.
TO5, MARTINIQUE. Dim, UT5UGR, was active this past week as FM/KL7WA from Ducos, Martinique, (NA-107), and was also heard signing as TO5GR during the IARU HF Championship Contest this past weekend. He will stay on the island until July 14th. Activity will be on 160-10 meters using CW, SSB
and FT8. QSL via UT5UGR or ClubLog's OQRS.
UA - Look for Vasily, RA1ZZ/p and Aleksandr, RA3AV/p to be active from Kotlin Island (EU-133) on 24-25 July for the IOTA Contest. After that, their tentative plans (subject to changes depending on local conditions) are to go and operate from several islands located in the White Sea's Onega Bay as follows:
27-29 July --------- Lambostrov ------------ RRA RR-02-118
29-31 July --------- Parusnitsy - EU-147 -- RRA RR-02-43
31 July-2 August – Osinka ----- EU-147 -- RRA RR-02-21
03-05 August ----- Razostrov -- EU-147 -- RRA RR-02-12
05-07 August ----- Teljachi ------------------ RRA RR-02-98
07-08 August ----- Sumostrov -------------- RRA RR-02-29
They will run two stations on 80-10 metres mainly CW, with some SSB and FT8. QSL via home calls (direct or bureau) and Club Log’s OQRS (to be enabled at the end of the operations); the QSOs will be made available for Club Log Matching on the IOTA website.
UA0 - R4WAA, R7AA, RM0F and RZ3FW will be active as RI0FWA from Kunashir Island (AS-025) on 23-29 July, including participation in the IOTA Contest. QSL via RZ3FW.
W - After being delayed by the pandemic in 2020, the first ever Youth on the Air (YOTA) summer camp for young radio amateurs aged 15-25 in the Americas will be held on 11-16 July in West Chester, Ohio (https://youthontheair.org/cincinnati-2020/). Campers will operate special event station W8Y from both the National Voice of America Museum of Broadcasting and from the camp hotel. Dedicated operating times on the HF bands will be on 12 July (01.00-03.30 UTC) and 13 July (00.00-03.30 UTC and 18.00-21.30 UTC), but W8Y will be on the air also "as campers complete projects, between sessions and during free time". QSL via LoTW or W0AAE.
W - Bodo, DF8DX will be active as KT3Q/4 from Santa Rosa Island (NA-142) on 17-19 July. QSL via Club Log's OQRS (bureau or direct).
W7, UNITED STATES (Special Event). If you missed special event stations W7P and W7P/0 during February to celebrate the discovery of the planet Pluto, you will have a second chance. Members of the Northern Arizona DX Association's will be active again on August 6th, 7th and 8th. This is part of NADXA's "Countdown to the 100th Anniversary of the discovery of Pluto" special event that will be aired, again, in its inaugural year, and is a 10 year Special Event. Also, mark your calendars for the second installment of the 10-year countdown taking place February 12-20th, 2022.
A special event certificate with endorsement is available. For more details, see QRZ.com or visit NADXA's Web page at: http://www.nadxa.com
YJ - Rod, YJ8RN expects to be active again from Emae Island (OC-111), Vanuatu on 22-27 July. He will operate FT8 mainly on 40, 30 and 20 metres, with some SSB if propagation is good.
QSL via NZ4DX.
ZD7, ST. HELENA (Update). Gerry, G3WIP (VK0GB, VK4BGL, VP8DPD), continues to be active as ZD7GB from the main village of Jamestown on St. Helena Island (AF-022). It has been reported that he will be working as a doctor on the island until September 30th. Activity will be during his free/spare
time on 40-10 meters using SSB and FT8/FT4. Gerry also brought his QO-100 satellite gear with him. His equipment is a FT857 and Atlas-210. Antennas are a vertical that tunes on 20 meters as well as a longwire. QSL details are not figured out yet.
Iota News
*AS-025. Members of the Russian Robinson Club (RRC) will once again go on an IOTA/RRA Expedition. Operators mentioned are Sergey/R4WAA, Vasily/R7AA, Yuri/RM0F and Serge/RZ3FW and they will be active as RI0FWA from Kunashir Island between July 24-29th, which includes the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 24-25th). QSL via RZ3FW.
*AS-117. Kenji, JA4GXS, will be active as JA4GXS/4 from Otsu Island between July 16-17th. Activity will be on 40/20/17/6 meters using CW, SSB and FT8. QSL via his home callsign.
*AS-149. (Reminder) A Russian team is to be active as RI0FM from Moneron Island (WW Loc. QN06pf, RR-16-01, RDA SL-16, WFF RFF-193, Asiatic Russia) between July 15-31st. Operators mentioned are Andrey/R9YU, Vladimir/UA3A, Vladimir/RN5A, Eugene/RX3AMI, Alexander/RA3DS and Mikhail/RA9Y. Activity will be on 160/80/60/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/2 meters and 70cm using CW, SSB and FT-8 (F/H) with two stations (2x Elecraft K3 w/amps) on the air. Operations will include an entry in RSGB IOTA Contest (July 24-25th). QSL via RW6HS. For more details and updates,
see: https://ri0fm.ru
*AS-152. There is a video available online on YouTube.com of the recent 2021 RI0Q Bolchoy Begichev Island DXpedition. The video is about 33 minutes long and can be found at:
*AS-200. Take, JI3DST, will once again be active as JI3DST/5 (mainly for DX and 6m Multi-Hop), JR8YLY/5 (mainly for JA) or JR8YLY/P for FT8 from Shodo Island between 0700z, July 22nd, and 0000z, July 26th, and again between 0700z, September 18th, and 0000z, September 26th. Operation may vary due to heavy rain or other conditions. Activity will be on (possibly 80m)
/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6 meters using CW, SSB, RTTY and FT8 (possibly FM/RTTY). His activity in July will include the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 24-25th) signing as JI3DST/5. QSL JI3DST/5 via ClubLog’s OQRS (direct or by the Bureau). QSL JR8YLY/5 via ClubLog (only Bureau).
*EU-013. Alan, G3XSV (GM3XSV, GJ3XSV and 9H3XSV), will be active as GJ8A from Jersey during the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 24-25th) as a Single-Op/Unassisted/Low-Power entry. QSL via G3XSV direct.
*EU-028. Operators Alessandro/IU3EDK (SSB), Andrea/IU1LCU (CW/SSB) and Alvaro/IU1DUB (CW/SSB) will be active as IA5D from Elba Island (IIA T016), Tuscany Islands, between September 10-17th. Activity will be holiday style on various HF bands using CW, SSB and the Digital modes. QSL via IU3EDK, direct or by the Bureau.
*EU-123. Members of the 7M Contest Group will be active as GM7M from the Isle of Arran between July 22-25th. Their activity includes the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 24-25th). QSL GM7M via G3VCQ.
Operators mentioned are DJ/G3UNA, Colin/G3VCQ, Bill/G4ZVB, Charlie/GI4FUE, Rob/M0KPD, David/M0YDB, YL Sharon/M3VCQ and Peter/MI5JYK. The may also use the callsign MS0SDC on 6 meters FT8.
*EU-133/ Operators Vasily/RA1ZZ and Aleksandr/RA3AV will be active as
*EU-147. RA1ZZ/p and RA3AV/P from Kotlin Island (EU-133, RRA RR-01-06) during the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 24-25th) as Single-Ops/DX-pedition/24-Hrs/Low-Power entry. After the contest they plan to activate the following islands (schedule could change):
July 27-29th -- Lambostrov Island (not a IOTA, RRA RR-02-118)
July 29-31st -- Parusnitsy Island (EU-147, RRA RR-02-43)
July 31st-August 2nd -- Osinka Island (EU-147, RRA RR-02-21, RLHA RLE-004, ARLHS ERU 078)
August 3-5th -- Razostrov Island (EU-147, RRA RR-02-12)
August 5-7th -- Telyach'i Island (not a IOTA, RRA RR-02-98)
August 7-8th -- Sumostrov Island (not a IOTA, RRA RR-02-29)
They plan to be active on 80-10 meters (depending on the propagation) using mainly CW, SSB and FT8, with two radios w/500w into simple antennas. QSL via their home callsigns, direct, by the Bureau or ClubLog's OQRS.
*EU-149. Ed, ES2TT, will be active as ES2TT/1 from Aegna Island, Estonia, during the end of July or early August 2021. Activity will be on various HF bands. He is also planning to activate some ESFF
and WCA references. QSL via ES2TT or eQSL.
*NA-037. Fred, KB4DMQ, continues with his KL7FBI operation from Shemya Island. However, Cezar, VE3LYC, informs us on Saturday: "A short update from Fred, KL7FBI. He has been on the air during each of the days of this last week, checking the propagation numerous times between approximately 2 and 6 UTC. Unfortunately, the propagation gods haven't been good to him and the IOTA chasers, and he was only able to contact one JA stations during several days. He will continue this routine over the next three days. He will pack his equipment on Tue after 6 UTC, which corresponds to his Mon 9pm local time."
*NA-039. As of Sarurday, the KL7RRC team is now QRT and they have returned to Anchorage. The guys will now make their way back home.
*NA-040. Henry, NL0H, from St. Lawrence Island, states that he may possibly participate in the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 24-25th).
*NA-048. (Update/Postponed) Operators Juan/AC6ZM, Richard/KN4CV, Linda/ KN4KJC, Duane/N4RRR, Jack/K4KSW, Danuta/KK4PHD, Terry/N4QBS, Jack/NN2T and Steven/WA8Y, who were expected to be active as C6AHA from Bimini Island (USI FL05) between July 14-21st, have postponed their operation until October.
*NA-142. Bodo, DF8DX, will be active as KT3Q/4 from Santa Rosa Island (FL003S) between July 17-19th. QSL via DF8DX, direct or by the Bureau.
*OC-194. Operators Fred/VK2FM, Ian/VK2LL, Terry/VK2TEZ and Russell/VK4NGN will be active as VK2FM from the keepers cottage on South Solitary Island (ILLW AU0054) during the International Lighthouse-Lightship Weekend (ILLW; August 21-22nd). Precision Helicopters will be ifting the team to the island on the Friday morning, 20th August about 10am...and returning them on Monday, 23rd about lunchtime. This outing to the island is being privately funded and they thank their generous sponsor. South Solitary Island is 18km from Coffs and takes about 15 minutes air time. It is one of two island lighthouses off the NSW coast. The other is Montague Island. They will be operating in the ILLW from 10am on Saturday, August 21st, through Sunday and finishing at 10am on Monday,
August 23rd. Their operations will cover HF, mainly 80, 40, 20, and also 2m SSB if enough interest,... and FM ...[simplex after a repeater contact, maybe]. QSL via VK2FM direct. For more details and update, see QRZ.com.
Qsl Info
Phil, G3SWH, reports: "I am pleased to announce that with immediate effect, I am the QSL manager for John, 9V1VV. All available logs have been uploaded to LoTW and ClubLog. There are also log searches and OQRS facilities on my Web site (www.g3swh.org.uk). As John is not a member of the RSGB, paper QSLs for this station are *ONLY* available direct with adequate return postage."
NI6IW via SASE: USS Midway Museum Ship, COMEDTRA, 910 N Harbor Drive, San Diego CA 92101
No Info received
No info received
ARRL’s The Doctor is In – Zero Beating
Beginners Guide to Repeaters
Building A Multi-Band HF Dipole Antenna
Xiegu GSOC - An Overlook of Functions and Features
160 Meter Radio Propagation Prediction Table
Top 5 uses for SDR Radio
Understanding HF Antenna Tuners, What Does It Do?
Antenna Tuners Things to Consider
Balcony Dipole Antenna for 20 Meter
Common-mode chokes Measurements
Stealth Apartment Antenna for 20m and 40m!
IARU HF WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP ---> The object of the contest is to contact other amateurs around the world - especially member-society HQ stations and IARU officials - in as many ITU zones as possible on 160, 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10m CW and SSB. This year's event will run from 12 UTC on 10 July until 11.59 UTC on the 11th (see https://contests.arrl.org/iaruhf/). The following
is a selection of IARU Member Society HQ stations that are expected to be QRV:
Call Mult Call Mult
Members of the IARU Administrative Council and the three IARU regional executive committees will send a signal report plus AC, R1, R2 or R3, as appropriate.
KL7RRC ---> The KL7RRC IOTA DXpedition to Kiska Island (NA-070) has been cancelled due a "mechanical failure" on the charter boat. "After exploring all possibilities and in consideration of safety factors involved with sailing out into some of the most difficult waters of the Bering Sea", the team announced on 4 July. "it was collectively decided to not further pursue last-minute options". KL7RRC continued to operate from Adak Island (NA-039) until 9 July. QSL via N7RO (Richard J. Moen, 2935 Plymouth Dr, Bellingham WA 98225, USA).
R0FK/POLE ---> Fedor Konyukhov, R0FK (https://konyukhov.ru/en/) will depart Murmansk on 11 July aboard the icebreaker "50 Let Pobedy". After reaching the North Pole, he will spend ten days on a drifting polar station in the Arctic Ocean where he will conduct a scientific research. In his spare time he will be active daily as R0FK/POLE on at 4 UTC on +/- 14333 kHz. QSL via RM0L or UA9OBA.
T6AA & T6A ---> Active as T6AA (101,000 QSOs) and T6A (22,300 QSOs) since September 2019, Robert, S53R will go QRT from Kabul, Afghanistan on 11 July. The spiderbeam and the 6m yagi were dismantled a few days ago, and he will participate "lightly in the IARU HF World Championship only using the remaining wire antennas". The equipment will be shipped to Nepal, where he will be stationed for the next coming years.
WHERE DO WE GO NEXT? ---> Published in 1991, "Where Do We Go Next?" by Martti Laine, OH2BH is now available for free download (PDF format) "for both new and seasoned Dxers to enjoy" from the Northern California DX Foundations' website: https://www.ncdxf.org/pages/oh2bh.html.
3Y0J BOUVET ISLAND DXPEDITION NEWS (Refund Progress). Paul Ewing, N6PSE, reports on FaceBook and eHam.net, on July 8th, the following
Here is an update on our 3Y0J donation refunds:
1) All donations by PayPal are refunded.
2) All donations by mail are refunded.
3) We still have a few bank wires for Araucaria DX Club, LA DX Group and RSGB to refund.
If you do not receive your donation refund within seven days from today, please contact me at: Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.
Thank you! Paul N6PSE
SPECIAL CW EVENT. To celebrate the 1st anniversary of the international group "The Slow Morse Club" on Facebook, the special callsigns TM1SMC (operated by Jeff/F4IIQ) for France, GB1SMC (operated by Ray/G0OKR) for England and EI1SMC (operated by John/EI3HQB and Keith/EI5KJ) for Ireland will be active between July 17-25th. This group aims to encourage new operators and SWLs to learn Morse code, but also to bring together those who enjoy CW at a more relaxing pace. The group already brings together more than 1,800 members around the globe. The callsign TM1SMC will be active on the bands between 80-2 meters on CW and SSB. A special paper QSL card will be sent by the Bureau to each station present in the log and to the SWLs which request it. Please send your QSL and SWL reports via F4IIQ (QSL Manager). Do not hesitate to consult the TM1SMC QRZ.com page for more information about the event. You can can find the group's
FaceBook page at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/3231315733622032