Het DX-nieuws van week 34 2021. Ook nu weer verzameld door Henk - PD3H.
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation globally, announced activities might be cut short, postponed, cancelled or even extended at any time and without notice...
******************************* D X N E W S by PD3H ********************************
************************************* Sources: ******************************************
****************************** 425DXNews, DX-World *********************************
****************************** OPDX, OKDXA, Twitter *********************************
3Z20, POLAND (Special Event). Members of the PZK in Rzeszów (SP8POP) will activate the special callsign 3Z20UR to celebrate 20th anniversary of the establishment of the University of Rzeszów. Activity will take place between September 15th and October 15th. Activity will be on various HF
bands using CW, SSB and the Digital modes. QSL via SP8POP or SP8MRD by the Bureau. See QRZ.com for more details.
9M - Several special event stations located in various Malaysian states and federal territories will celebrate the 64th anniversary of Malaysia's independence (31 August 1957) on 26 August-1 September. Active from West Malaysia will be 9M64MA, 9M64MB, 9M64MC, 9M64MD, 9M64MJ, 9M64MK, 9M64MM, 9M64MN, 9M64MP, 9M64MR, 9M64MT and 9M64MW.
Active from East Malaysia will be 9M64MQ (Sarawak) and 9M64MS (Sabah). QSL via operator's instructions.
9Y - Celebrating the 59th anniversary since Trinidad and Tobago gained independence
(31 August 1962), members of the Trinidad and Tobago Amateur Radio Society will operate special callsign 9Y59IND on various bands and modes from 22 August to 12 September.
QSL via LoTW only.
A3, TONGA (Update). Masa, JA0RQV, is now active as A35JP from Nuku'alofa, Tongatapu Island (OC-049). He was heard on 17 meters CW, August 22nd. He will be in Tonga until October 31st (early November). Activity will be on 80-6 meters using CW, SSB and FT8. Equipment is an IC-7300 w/100W into a Vertical antenna. QSL via LoTW and ClubLog, or direct w/2 USDs or by the Bureau via his home callsign JA0RQV. He states, "If you need paper QSL, please be patient to receive it because I will be able to issue paper QSL after I return to Japan in November 2021. Please do not send SASE to my home address." He also mentions, "During the period, if possible, I will try to activate some outer islands again such as Niuatoputapu (OC-191), Niuafo'ou (OC-123), Vava'u (OC-064) and Ha'apai (OC-169). Details will be announced once decided." For more details and updates, visit his QRZ.com
or his Blog page at: http://blog.goo.ne.jp/rqv
A6 - The Emirates Amateur Radio Society (EARS) will host special event station A60EXPO on
1 September-1 October to promote Expo 2020, the World Exposition that will take place in Dubai from 1 October to 31 March 2022 (https://www.expo2020dubai.com/en). QSL via EA7FTR.
AN5, SPAIN (Special Event). Pascual, EA5WO, will be active with the special callsign AN5WAR from Torrent, Valencia, Spain, between September 1-30th. Activity is commemorating 82nd anniversary (September 1st, 1939), of the beginning of World War II. Activity will be on various HF bands.
QSL via LoTW or eQSL.
CT8, AZORES. Mike, N1FF, is expected to be active as CT8/N1FF through the end of August. No other details provided. QSL via his home callsign.
CT9 - Klaus, DJ9KM and Georg, DD8ZX will be active holiday style as CT9/DJ9KM and CT9/DD8ZX from Madeira Island (AF-014) on 24-31 August. They will operate mainly FT8 and RTTY on 40-10 metres. QSL via home calls (direct or bureau), or via LoTW.
D4 - Paco, EA7KNT plans to be active as D4SAL from Ilha do Sal (AF-086), Cape Verde from 23 August to 5 September. He mentions that this will be a "first test visit" in view of a future DXpedition.
DL - Look for a team of seven (DD2HZ, DJ7AO, DJ7RK, DL5KUA, DL6HBQ, DL9HDA and OE7AJT) to be active as DA0DFF from Hallig Oland (EU-042) on 20-22 August for the ILLW. They will have one station for SSB, CW and FT8, and a station for QO-100 operations. QSL via the bureau.
EA - Special event callsigns EG1SDC-EG9SDC and EH1SDC-EH9SDC will be activated on 1-12 September to commemorate Day of Asturias and the principality's patron saint, popularly known as the Santina de Covadonga. This is the 37th edition of the 'SDC' special event. QSL for all callsigns via EA1AUM (direct or bureau), LoTW and eQSL. See http://santina.dxfun.com/ for more information, including online logs and downloadable certificates.
ES - ES30ES is the special callsign for ERAU (the Estonian Radio Amateur Union) to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Estonian Restoration of Independence (20 August 1991) on 20-29 August. All QSOs will be confirmed automatically via the bureau, as well as via LoTW and eQSL.
F - Kurt ON5DZ, Tim ON5HC, Patrick ON7PQ and Francis ON8AZ will be active as TM3U from the aint Marcouf Islands (EU-081) from 28 August to 3 September. They will operate CW, SSB and digital modes on 80-6 metres; they also plan to be QRV on QO-100. All QSOs will be uploaded to Club Log and confirmed automatically via the bureau; direct cards should be sent to ON8AZ. See https://www.eu081.be for updates.
G - Nigel, M0NJW will be active as GB1SAK on 3-5 September during the St. Anne's Kite Festival. QSL via M0OXO's OQRS. This special event station will run from the beach using a long wire supported by a kite flying at a maximum of 60m above the ground.
HD8, GALAPAGOS ISLANDS. Members of the "DX Friends Team",with an international team of operators, are planning to be active as HD8R from San Cristobal Island (SA-004), the eastern most island in the Galapagos Islands group. Specific days have not been announced yet, but operations will be for 14 days around the end of next October. Activity will be on various HF bands. QSL via EA5RM. Look for more details to be forthcoming.
HG52, HUNGARY (Special Event). Members of the Budapest Radio Amateur Society (BRASZ) will be active as HG52IEC until September 30th. Activity is on the occasion of the 52nd International Eucharistic Congress to be held in Budapest between September 5-12th. QSL via eQSL only.
I - A team of five (IK1WVR, IU1IEK, IU5GBQ, IZ1CTE and IZ1JOE) will be active as IP1T from Isola del Tino (EU-083) on 21-22 August for the International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend. They will be QRV from 7 UTC to 15.30 UTC, as they are not permitted to overnight on the island. QSL via I1ANP, bureau preferred.
I - Members of ARI San Benedetto del Tronto, IQ6SB will be active from the lighthouse of the same name on 21-22 August for the ILLW. They will operate SSB, CW and possibly RTTY. QSL via the bureau or direct to IK6XEJ.
J5 - Owing to a change in the flight schedules , the new dates for the DXpedition to Bubaque Island (AF-020), Guinea Bissau are 9-22 October. Six operators (Franco I1FQH, Tony I2PJA, Silvano I2YSB, Vinicio IK2CIO, Angelo IK2CKR and Stefano IK2HKT) will be active as J5T (CW, SSB and RTTY) and J5HKT (FT8) on 160-6 metres with four stations. QSL via I2YSB (http://win.i2ysb.com/logonline/ for logsearch and OQRS for direct cards).
KH6, HAWAII, Keith, KC0PP, will be active as KC0PP/KH6 from Maui between August 24th and September 12th. He plans to participate in the Hawaii QSO Party (HQP) [https://www.hawaiiqsoparty.org/] between August 28-30th.
QSL via his home callsign, direct or by the Bureau.
KL - Fred, KB4DMQ will be back to Shemya Island (NA-037) on 8 September, and expects to remain there for two full months. He intends to operate again as KL7FBI, this time on 40 and 20 metres SSB. QSL direct to Fred R. Anderson, 918 Abeto St NE, Palm Bay FL 32905, USA
LZ - LZ23ARDF is the special callsign celebrating the 23rd IARU Region 1 ARDF Championships and the 4th IARU World Youth ARDF Championships (https://ardf2021.eu/), to be held on 28 August-3 September and hosted by the Bulgarian Federation of Radio Amateurs. QSL via the bureau
OE130, AUSTRIA (Special Event). Members of the radio club OE3XAS (Austria District Locator [ADL] 305 Tulln-Stockerau) will activate special event station OE130KUK between September 1st and October 30th, to commemorate the 130 year anniversary of the first telegraphy course in the "Franz
Josef-Casern" (barracks) in Tulln. In 1891 a k.u.k cavalry telegraphist course was first established in the "Franz Josef-Casern" in Tulln (Lower Austria). QSLs will be sent automatically via the Bureau. Check scheduled/planned operating times for OE130KUK at: https://www.oe3ide.com/oe130kuk
OH0 - SP1EG, SP1F, SP1IVL, SP1VAX, SP1Z and SQ1WO will be active as OH0KRF from the Aland Islands (EU-002) on 23-29 August. They will operate SSB, CW, FT8, FT4 and RTTY on 80-10 metres. QSL via SP1KRF.
OJ0 - Joseph, OG7D will be active as OJ0D from Market Reef (EU-053) on 25-28 August. This will be mainly a QO-100 satellite operation, maybe with some HF SSB. QSL via LoTW, or direct to OG7D.
OZ - Members of the OZ4EDR club station will be active again as OZ4HAM from Hammeren Lighthouse on Bornholm Island (EU-030) during the International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend. QSL via the bureau or direct.
PJ4, BONAIRE (New Club Formed). As of 2021, there are 9 radio amateurs who actually live permantly on the island and who are also active. Apart from that at least six PJ4-callsigns were issued to amateurs who live outside Bonaire, but who have an address on the island, the group decided to start their own radio club -- Bonaire Amateur Radio Club (BAR; club callsign is PJ4BAR). The club meets weekly at the Tera Cora Ranch from 18:00 hours until late at night. To celebrate this, BAR has organized a field day on the seafront at Sorobon Beach between August 27-29th. BAR currently has a Web page under construction at: http://www.pj4bar.club QSL PJ4BAR via M0URX.
SV - Members of the Cyclades Amateur Radio Association (SZ8ERS) will be active as SZ8G from the lighthouse on Gaiduronisi, Syros Island (EU-067) on 21-22 August. They will operate CW, SSB and FT8 mainly on 40, 20 and 15 metres. QSL via LoTW, Club Log, eQSL.
UA - Special callsign R1530IG will be active on 20-30 August for the anniversary of the birth of Ivan IV (25 August 1530), aka "Ivan Groznyj" (Ivan the Terrible), the first tsar of all Rus'.
UA - Look for Aleksandr, UA3DLD/1 to be active from Bolshoy Solovetsky (EU-066) on 7-10 September. He will operate CW and SSB during his morning and evening hours. QSL via home call.
UR - Celebrating the 30th anniversary of the Independence Day of Ukraine (24 August) and the 30th anniversary of the Ukrainian Amateur Radio League (21 December), a large number of special callsigns (EM30LRU, EM30UARL, EM30AUARL, EM30BUARL, EM30CUARL, EM30DUARL, EM30EUARL, EM30FUARL, EM30GUARL, EM30HUARL, EM30IUARL, EM30KUARL, EM30LUARL, EM30MUARL, EM30NUARL, EM30PUARL, EM30QUARL, EM30RUARL, EM30SUARL, EM30TUARL, EM30VUARL, EM30WUARL, EM30XUARL, EM30YUARL, EM30ZUARL)
will be active from 20 August to 31 December. QSL via operator's instructions.
See https://www.qrz.com/db/EM30DUARL for information about the "UARL-30" Award.
W - Matt, AF2F will be active again as AF2F/W4 from Hatteras Island (NA-067) from 23 August to 4 September. He will operate CW and FT8 on the HF bands, and Q65 on 6 metres. QSL via Club Log's OQRS.
Iota News
**AF-032. (Update/Date Change) Gabor "Gab", HA3JB, will be active as 5H1IP from Unguja Island, Zanzibar, between September 17-29th. Activity is will be on 160-10 meters using CW, SSB, RTTY and FT8. He also plans to participate in the CQWW DX RTTY Contest (September 26-27th). QSL via HA3JB or ClubLog's OQRS. For possibly more details and updates, see: http://ha3jb.com/index.html
**AS-117. (Canceled) Kenji, JA4GXS, who was expected to be active as JA4GXS/4 from Kasado Island on August 21st, has canceled his operation.
**EU-031. Giuseppe, IK5WWA, will be active as IC8I from Isola d'Ischia between August 31st and September 13th. Activity will be on 80-6 meters. He plans to participate in the IARU Region 1
145 MHz Contest (September 4-5th) and the Worked All Europe [WAE] DX SSB Contest (September 11-12th). QSL via his home callsign, direct or by the Bureau.
**EU-041. (Reminder) Paolo, I5WHC, will be active as IM0/I5WHC from Maddalena Island between now and September 18th. QSL via his home callsign, direct or by the Bureau.
**EU-066. Alexander, UA3DLD, will be active as UA3DLD/1 from the White Sea Island of Bolshoy Solovetsky between September 7-10th. Activity will be on 40-10 meters using CW and SSB. QSL via his home callsign.
**EU-067. Members of the Cyclades Amateur Radio Association (SZ8ERS) were expected to be active as SZ8G from Gaidouronisi (ARLHS GRE-069, ILLW GR0005), Cyclades, during the ILLW weekend (August 21-22nd). Activity on various HF bands using CW, SSB, and FT8/FT4. QSL via LoTW, ClubLog or eQSL.
**EU-083. (Reminder) Operators Francis/ON8AZ, Patrick/ON7PQ, Tim/ON5HC and Kurt/ON5DZ will be active as TM3U from Ile Saint Marcouf between August 28th and September 9th. Activity will be on 80-6 meters using CW, SSB, Digital modes and QO-100 satellite.
QSL via ON8AZ. For more details, see: https://www.eu081.be
**EU-172. Ric, DL2VFR, is active as OZ0FR/P from Helnaes Island (DIA FY-024) until August 27th. Activity is on various HF bands using CW only with 100W. QSL via DL2VFR.
**NA-037. Fred, KB4DMQ, who was recently active as KL7FBI from Shemya Island, is being called back there on an emergency to fill-in following the passing of one of their technicians. Fred will travel to Shemya Island on September 8th, and is expected to remain there for a two full months. He will use the KL7FBI callsign again, and operate 40/20 meters SSB. QSL via KB4DMQ.
**NA-067. Matt, AF2F, will once again be active as AF2F/W4 from Hatteras Island (WW Loc. FM25) between August 23rd and September 4th. Activity will be holiday style on various HF bands and 6m, using CW and FT8 (Q65 on 6m). Matt will be using the ON4KST chat for 6m operations. QSL via AF2F, direct, by the Bureau, ClubLog or LoTW.
**OC-194. (Canceled/Postponed) Operators Fred/VK2FM, Ian/VK2LL, Terry/VK2TEZ and Russell/VK4NGN, who was expected be active as VK2FM from the keepers cottage on South Solitary Island (ILLW AU0054) during the International Lighthouse-Lightship Weekend (ILLW; August 21-22nd), have canceled their South Solitary Island event due to lockdown. They state, "It will be happening in August 2022 if all goes well." (http://vk2fm.atwebpages.com/)
Qsl Info
EA5GL (now) Qsl manager for: ZD7GB
8R1AK QSL STATUS. Joe, KJ8O, reports: With the disruption of postal service to many countries resulting from the COVID pandemic, I was finally able to exchange QSL cards with Desmond Jones, 8R1AK (Guyana), who asked me to relay his message that reads "Please let other hams know that you can now send your QSL card and get yours in return".
No Info received
No info received
MFJ 8-Band Cobweb MFJ-1836+HK34 Add-On Kit
Paradan Radio Antenna Disconnect
Bouw je eigen QO-100 upconverter met Chinese printjes
Calif. Man Gets Alarming Call from Friend on Ham Radio
7 courtyard or balcony HF antenna ideas for small spaces
Testing Grounding (Earthing) with the DLG DI120
Dummy Load Construction
The History of Single Sideband
100W UHF Linear Amplifier
Does Snow Affect Vertical Antenna Performance
SDR Receiver with RTL-SDR and Gnu Radio
CN2R Phased Beverages
Hy-Gain AV-680 9 Band Vertical Update
A35GC & E6AM ---> Originally scheduled for September-November 2020, then postponed to October-November 2021, this expedition has been bumped again - tentatively to October 2022, or "when the Covid-19 hysteria passes and when we all start to live again normally and without any restrictions", Stan, LZ1GC says (http://www.c21gc.com/).
VK2FM: CANCELLED ---> The 20-22 August VK2FM operation from South Solitary Island (OC-194) has been cancelled "due to lockdown". Hopefully it will be rescheduled for ILLW 2022.
FO/A, FO/M & TX7, AUSTRAL AND MARQUESAS ISLANDS (FO 6m DXpedition Update). Lance, W7GJ, sent out the following update on August 16th [edited]: Hello Sixers! -- As Es season draws to a close, it is of course time to gear up for EME ;-) Remember, if you have a good yagi, an amplifier, a quiet QTH and some ground gain, I can work you when your moon is near the horizon!
Recently, a number of people have inquired regarding the status of my planned 6m DXpedition to the Austral Islands (FO/W7GJ) October 15-24th, and the Marquesas Islands (TX7MB), October 28th to November 7th. Due to the Delta Variant, Covid travel restrictions and requirements are changing weekly :-( However, I have reconfirmed all the flights and lodging, arranged for special excess baggage, and am aiming for everything to take place according to the details on my website:
Certainly, the situation can change if I get Covid and fail any of the 4 Covid tests currently required and/or USA falls out of "favored country status" and I would be required to quarantine upon arrival, and/or Air Tahiti decides to reduce the number of flights (as it did last year). However, as you know from my past DXpeditions, I am doing everything I possibly can to make this increasingly expensive operation happen! Please spread the word that I am planning on using Q65-60A mode from the most recent version of WSJT-X for all my 6m EME activity. I will probably use FT8 for terrestrial/ionospheric propagation unless the TEP doppler spread requires Q65. Note that I have extended my stays in both
DXCC to provide ample opportunity to try for terrestrial contacts as well as being QRV during moon passes. If you are going to try to work me on EME, please get on the air and become familiar with Q65 mode! Here is a checklist to help getting it set up: http://www.bigskyspaces.com/w7gj/Q65SETUP.pdf
Please become familiar with the contact protocol I will be using on 6m EME, and only call me with TX2 if you are copying me during the immediately preceding sequence:
I will be using an SDR as my receiver, so I have the capability to receive signals on the Wide Graph waterfall from 0 to 4000 Hz. However, as I write this, Q65 in the most recent version of WSJT-X only automatically decodes callers with offsets between 200 and 3000Hz. Therefore, please do your best to spread out over that range. Currently, you must manually offset your transmitter frequency accordingly (it does not adjust the transmitter automatically as in FT8). Please try to space yourselves
around every 200 Hz, remembering that your moonset signals will be doppler shifted down approximately 100 Hz, and transmitting during moonrise will be shift your signal up approximately 100 Hz. And once you start transmitting on a certain offset frequency, please don't move! The ON4KST EME CHAT page has proven very useful for coordinating callers' offsets during past
DXpeditions ;-) http://www.on4kst.info/chat/login.php?band=5
I hope to have periodic access to the internet to at least update my log and status. However, unless you are advised otherwise, please assume the EXCEL published operating schedule to be the most accurate and up-to-date and look for me accordingly:
FO Schedule in Excel Spreadsheet format:
FO Schedule in pdf format:
And if you are excited about seeing new DXCC being activated on 6m, contributions are MOST APPRECIATED! My PayPal account is this email address and my mailing address is shown below.
GL and I hope to see many of you in the log! VY 73, Lance