Het DX-nieuws van week 37 2021. Ook nu weer verzameld door Henk - PD3H.

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation globally, announced activities might be cut short, postponed, cancelled or even extended at any time and without notice...

DXcalender 2021Aug 

******************************* D X N E W S by PD3H ********************************
************************************* Sources: ******************************************
****************************** 425DXNews, DX-World *********************************
****************************** OPDX, OKDXA, Twitter *********************************


3D2/C - The one-man 3D2CR operation from Conway Reef (OC-112), is expected to take place "around 17 September for about two weeks". Look for activity on 160-6 metres CW, SSB, FT8 and FT4 - see https://www.qrz.com/db/3d2cr for suggested frequencies. The operator (Dom, 3Z9DX aka 3D2USU from Fiji) says that he will have "no Internet connection, no online log, no QSO request", and that he will not be able to read DX cluster spots. "All log mistakes will be checked when back to Fiji main island after the trip".


6D16, MEXICO (Special Event). Operators Iliana/XE1TUX, Mayolo/XE1MYO, Angel/XE1GBS and Alejandro/XE1GNU will activate the special callsign 6D16S to celebrate the 200th anniversary since the consummation of the "Independence of Mexico." Activity will take place between September
15-16th. Operations will be on all bands and modes. Special diplomas are available. See QRZ.com for details.


A9 - A91ARS is the callsign for members of the Bahrain Amateur Radio Society to take part in the celebrations of Saudi National Day in coordination with the Saudi Amateur Radio Society. Look for activity to take place on 17-23 September. QSL via EC6DX.


9N, NEPAL. Kiyo, JA7NQQ, has been active as 9N7NQ from Katmandu, Nepal, and will be there until September 23rd. Activity will be limited due to his job, but over the past week he has been on 40/17/15 meters using FT8. Watch between 0500-830z and 1230-1515z. He is using a FT-891 into a long wire antenna. QSL via JA7NQQ by the Bureau.


9X, RWANDA (Reminder/Update). Harald, DF2WO, will once again be active as 9X2AW just north of Kigali (with a new Grid KI48xe) between September 13-28th. He was preparing his 160m antenna and building a Hexbeam with Bamboo Sticks for working on 20-10 meters and dipoles for 40/30 meters.
Modes are mainly Digital modes (FT8, PSK31, JT65 and RTTY), with some CW and SSB. He will also use the QO-100 satellite on 2m and 70cm. QSL via M0OXO or his OQRS. See QRZ.com for pictures.


C5, THE GAMBIA (Update). Gerard, F5NVF, will be active as C5C from Kololi, The Gambia, between October 24th and November 19th (maybe more if he can stay there longer). Activity will be on 60-10 meters using CW and SSB, with an IC-7000 w/100 watts. He will be joined later by Luc/F5RAV and
Abdel/M0NPT to be active on all bands with an IC-705 and Expert 1.3 amp using CW, SSB, FT8 and the QO-100 satellite if possible (between October 28th and November 8th). They are also planning to be active in CQWW DX SSB Contest (October 30-31st). QSL via F5RAV.


CE0Z - Esteban, XQ7UP has been on Robinson Crusoe Island (SA-005), Juan Fernandez since 4 September, and will remain there until 16 September. In his spare time he operates SSB as CB0ZZ (maybe also as CE0Z/XQ7UP) on various HF bands. QSL via Club Log's OQRS (preferred), LoTW, eQSL, or direct to home call.


CQ3/CT9/CS9, MADEIRA. Operators Helmut/DF7EE and Elmar/PD3EM will once again be active as CT9/DF7EE and CS9/PD3EM, respectively, from Madeira Island (AF-014) between October 25th and November 2nd. Both operators have been on this island before (17th trip for Helmut). Activity will
be on various HF bands, including 60m, and an entry in the CQWW DX SSB Contest (October 30-31st) using the callsign CQ3W (possibly CR3A). QSL CQ3W via ClubLog or LoTW. QSL CT9/DF7EE via ClubLog. QSL CS9/PD3EM via PD3EM, direct or by the Bureau.


D6 - Janusz, SP9FIH and Leszek, SP6CIK will be active as D60AC and D60AD, respectively, from the Comoros (AF-007) on 18 September-2 October. They will operate SSB, CW, RTTY and FT8 on 80, 40, 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10 metres. QSL via Club Log's OQRS (preferred), or via home calls. See http://www.d6.dxpeditions.org/ for updates.


DL - Markus DJ4EL, Felix DL5XL and Joe DJ1JB will be active from IOTA group EU-042 on 11-13 September. Their main QTH will be Hallig Hooge (N-22 for the German Islands Award), with a side trip to nearby Japsand (N-32) on 12 September. QSL via home calls.


EA - URE San Fernando (EA7URF) is participating in the official celebrations for the 500th anniversary of the first circumnavigation of the Earth. The sixth in a series of AM500 special event stations representing a milestone of the voyage will be AM500EMV, to be active on 18-25 September to memorialize Juan Sebastian Elcano's taking on the command of the carrack "Victoria" (17 September 1521) after the death of Magellan. QSL via EA7URF (bureau or direct), LoTW and eQSL. Previously active were AM500SEV (August 2019), AM500SAN (September 2019), AM500ISJ (June 2020), AM500ETS (October-November 2020) and AM500MMM (April-May 2021).


EA6, BALEARIC ISLANDS (Sat Op). Philippe, EA4NF, will be active as EA6/EA4NF from Formentera Island (EU-004, WW Loc. JM08qr) between September 17-20th. Activity will be on the FM satellites. QSL via LoTW. For updates, watch Twitter at: https://twitter.com/EA4NF_SAT


FJ, ST. BARTHELEMY. Dario, KP4DO, will be active as FJ/KP4DO from Gustavia, St. Barthelemy
(NA-146) between November 19-24th. Activity will be on 40/20/17/10 meters, but mostly on 20 meters, depending on the propagation. QSL via KP4DO direct. A special QSL card is being designed.


FP, ST. PIERRE & MIQUELON (Postponed Again). Eric, KV1J, who was expected to operate from the Island of Miquelon (NA-032, DIFO FP-002 WLOTA 1417, Grid GN17) as FP/KV1J between September 21st and October 5th, has postponed his trip "due to COVID related travel complications." He states, "Hopefully the next trip will be late June and July 2022. Also may do a short trip late winter 2022. Plans are dependent on the COVID situation, travel and lodging availability." For more details and updates, check out his Web page at: http://www.kv1j.com/fp


HB9, SWITZERLAND (Ballon Op). Members of the Helvetia Telegraphy Club (HTC) will activate the callsign HB9HC/AM in the air from a hot air balloon. Hans-Peter, HB9BXE, informs OPDX that the HB9HC/AM team's planned date is Tuesday, September 14th. Alternative dates are: Wed. 15th, Thu. 16th and Sat. 18th. The balloon flight will be 2 hours long (within 0530-0900 UTC). The hot air balloon ride is very dependent on the weather. The probability that a trip will take place on the scheduled date is around 50 percent and the decision about it will be made at short notice! The Web team will
try to keep the information up-to-date (on QRZ.com) in a timely manner. Operators mentioned are Urs/HB9ABO, Hans-Peter/HB9BXE, Uli/HB9CGA, Peter/HB9TVK and Thomas/HB9BSH. The equipment is a KX3 with 15W into antennas for 40/30/20m (hanging vertically). Other bands may be possible. It is advisable to consult the network of inverted beacons or a cluster to locate the active frequency. RBN link: http://www.reversebeacon.net/dxsd1/dxsd1.php?f=0&c=hb9hc%2Fam&t=dx
You will be able to track the exact position of the balloon via APRS at:
A special "balloon card" QSL will be available via the Bureau. For more details and photos, see QRZ.com.


I - Members of ARI Brescia (IQ2CF) will be active as II2GP on 11-26 September. The special callsign celebrates the 100th anniversary of the the first Italian Grand Prix took place on 4 September 1921 at a circuit near the town of Montichiari.


JA - Look for JI3DST/5, JR8YLY/5 and JR8YLY/p (FT8) to be active again from Shodo Island
(AS-200) on 18-23 and 25-28 September. All QSOs will be uploaded to Club Log and made available for Club Log Matching on the IOTA website.


JD1_mt - Now Take, JG8NQJ expects to be back to Minami Torishima (OC-073) from "early October to mid-December". In his limited spare time he will be active as JG8NQJ/JD1. QSL via JA8CJY (direct)
or JG8NQJ (bureau).


K4, UNITED STATES (POW/MIA Event). Observance of "National POW MIA Recognition Day" are held across this United States on the third Friday in September. This year it will be on September 17th. The day was established to honor our prisoners of war and those who are still missing in action.
This will be the 13th year that special event station K4MIA has been activated. Primary operational days will be September 11th through September 19th. Operators will be active on SSB, CW and FT8. Also, look for the following sister stations to be on the air: K4MIA/5, K4MIA/7 and K4MIA/8. Throughout the month of September, K4MIA will hopefully be operating on the Satellites, EME, Microwave and other less used Digital modes (PSK32, Hell Scriber, RTTY, SSTV). Besides operating from their home QTHs, operators will operate from VA Hospital, American Legion Post, and various parks (as part of POTA). They are trying to increase the awareness of our POWs and MIAs. Because of the volume of requests, you MUST SEND SASE to get a returned QSL. Please take time to remember our POW's and MIA's as well as their families. Operators would also like to include the KIA's and all veterans (past and present) that have given so much for this country.


KT7, UNITED STATES (Special Event). Members of the Tortolita Radio Club (KT7RC) will be radio-active on Saturday, September 18th, from Titan Missile Museum, the last remaining missile silo from the cold war era of a total 54 built. Operations will be between 1630-2030z; suggested frequencies are: CW - 14040 and 7045 kHz; SSB - 14250 and 7200 kHz;
FT8 - 18100 and 7074 kHz. A special PDF certificate will be E-mailed to
you free upon request at (Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.). Please, no paper QSLs.


OX, GREENLAND. Bo, OZ1DJJ, will once again be active as OX3LX from the Main Island (NA-018, WW Loc. GP47TA ), in west Greenland, between September 15-21st. Activity will be on focused on the low bands this trip using a vertical antenna, but he has been on 20 meters. He states this is NOT a DXpedition, and the best chance to work him will be around lunchtime and after dinner (his local time UTC-2), also during the weekend, possibly at night/morning. QSL via OZ0J direct (see QRZ.com). Logs get uploaded to LoTW, ClubLog and sometimes eQSL. For more details and updates, watch QRZ.com.


OY - Stian, LB5SH will be active as OY/LB5SH from the Faroe Islands (EU-018) on 17-20 September. He will operate mainly SSB and FT8, possibly with some CW during the SAC Contest. QSL via LoTW.


S5230, SLOVENIA (Special Event). Savo, S52SX, will be activating the special callsign S5230SX from Skofja Loka to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Republic of Slovenia's independence. QSL via S52SX or eQSL.


S9, SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE (Update). The Czech DXpedition Group will be active as S9OK from Sao Tome Island (AF-023). Operators mentioned are Petr/OK1BOA, Petr/OK1FCJ, Palo/OK1CRM, Pavel/OK1GK, Ruda/OK2ZA, Ludek/OK2ZC, Karel/OK2ZI and David/OK6DJ. The team will arrive on October 2nd and depart on October 16th. Approx. on air: limited/building up October 3-5th; full operation planned between October 5-14th; dismantling October 15-16th; departure on October 16th. Activity will be on 160-6 meters using CW, SSB and the Digital modes (FT8 & RTTY). Suggested frequencies (+/- QRM) are:
CW - 1832, 3535, 5353, 7032, 10105, 14025, 18079, 21025, 24903 and 28018 kHz
SSB - 3790, 7185, 14185, 18150, 21280, 24935 and 28450 kHz
FT8 - 1840, 3580, 5357, 7071, 10144, 14090, 18109, 21091, 24923 and 28091 kHz
RTTY - 3580, 7045, 10142, 14080, 18099, 21080, 24911 and 28080 kHz
6m - 50095/CW, 50150/SSB and 50313/FT8
Based on the local internet availability, they plan to use ClubLog's "Live Stream" wherever it will be possible. Their "Live Stream" link: https://clublog.org/livestream/s9ok
QSL via OK6DJ, direct, OQRS or LoTW. For more details and updates, check the following URL links: Web Page - https://www.cdxp.cz
Czech DXpedition FaceBook - https://www.facebook.com/groups/1472348776313779


SP - Special callsigns SP100LEM and HF0SSEA will be active on 11-19 September to mark the 100th anniversary of Stanislaw Lem (1921-2006), the Polish science-fiction writer and philosopher best known as the author of the novel "Solaris" (1961). QSL for both callsigns via SP3POB. See https://www.qrz.com/db/SP100LEM for more info.


SP - Members of PZK Rzeszow (SP8POP) will be active as 3Z20UR on 15 September-15 October to mark the 20th anniversary since the founding of the University of Rzeszow. They will operate CW, SSB and digital modes on the HF bands. QSL via SP8POP. More information can be found on https://logsp.pzk.org.pl/a/3z20ur/.


TL, CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC (Update). Members of the Italian DX Team will be active from Central African Republic as TL8AA (CW-SSB-RTTY) and TL8ZZ (FT8) during the Spring of 2022. Plans are to have 8 operators and 5 stations. Operators mentioned are Alfeo/I1HJT, Tony/I2PJA, Silvano/
I2YSB, Vinicio/IK2CIO, Angelo/IK2CKR, Stefano/IK2HKT, Gino/IK2RZP and Franco/I1FQH. The pilot station can be contacted with inquires (English only) at: Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.
Activity will be on 160-6 meters using the above modes. Their suggested frequencies for TL8AA
CW - 1826, 3527, 7025, 10115, 14030, 18068, 21030, 24890 and 28030 kHz
SSB - 3775, 7090, 14240, 18130, 21310, 24950 and 28470 kHz
RTTY - 14084 kHz
6m - 50090 kHz/CW and 50160 kHz/SSB
J5HKT Callsign (Using F/H)
FT8 - 1845, 3567, 7056, 10131, 14084, 18095, 21091, 24911 and 28091 kHz
6m - 50303 kHz/FT8
Their official Web site is at: http://www.i2ysb.com/idt
Subject to the availability of internet connection, the REAL TIME Log
will be available at: http://win.i2ysb.com/logonline
Official forum at: http://www.hamradioweb.net
QSL via I2YSB direct, OQRS or LoTW.


TM51, FRANCE (Special Event). Philippe, F5PTA, is currently active as TM51SEA to commemorate Jacques Cousteau's vessel Calypso until the end of the year. QSL via eQSL.


V2 - Bud, AA3B (V26K) and Brian, N3OC (V26OC) will be active from Antigua (NA-100) on 8-20 September. They will operate holiday style on all bands and modes while testing the V26B contest station. QSL V26K via LoTW or via AA3B; QSL V26OC via LoTW or direct to N3OC.


V4, ST. KITTS (Canceled). John, W5JON/V47JA, informs [edited], "Hi Guys, Sorry to say that St. Kitts remains under strict Covid quarantine so my V47JA, October 4-18th, 2021, operation is canceled.
However, we are planning on returning to our St. Kitts vacation home immediately after the quarantine is lifted. Whenever that occurs. However, both my October, Sint Marteen, PJ7JA and St. Eustatius, PJ5/W5JON operations have been reconfirmed and firm remain as scheduled.... 73, John Abbruscato W5JON"


ZA, ALBANIA. Ark, UA4CC, is now active as ZA/UA4CC near Vlera, Albania, on the sea coast until September 13th, possibly longer. Current activity is holiday style and has been mainly on 40/30/20/17 meters using FT8, possibly some CW. He tells OPDX that he is using a Elecraft K3 and balcony antenna (fishing rod). Ark mentions that he can "see Sazan Island in front of hotel.
I had a short trip to the island by speed boat. There are military bases on island and you need special permission to get to the island. May be I will arrange activity next time. Sazan Island (EU-169) is rare." QSL via UA4CC, direct, ClubLog's OQRS or LoTW.


Iota News
**EU-003. Operators Jose/CU2CE, Francisco/CU2DX and Olivier/W6NV will be active as CR2M from Sao Miguel Island, Azores, during the CQWW DX SSB Contest (October 30-31st) as a Multi? entry.
QSL via LoTW.

**EU-006. Members of the EIDXG and guests will activate the special callsign EJ1D from Inis Mor, Aran Islands, during their annual DX Convention called "DX Féile" between September 24-26th.
QSL via M0OXO's OQRS. For more details on the "DX Féile", see: http://eidxg.com/dx-feile-21

**EU-028. (Reminder) Operators Alessandro/IU3EDK (SSB), Andrea/IU1LCU (CW/SSB) and Alvaro/IU1DUB (CW/SSB) will be active as IA5D from Elba Island (IIA T016), Tuscany Islands, between now and September 17th. Activity will be holiday style on various HF bands using CW, SSB and the Digital modes. QSL via IU3EDK, direct or by the Bureau.

**OC-137. Mike, VK4DX, will once again be active as VK4DX/P from Russell Island, Southern Moreton Bay Islands, between September 23-26th. Activity will be on 40-15 meters using mostly CW, but will include some SSB and FT8. Equipment is a 100 watt radio and wire antennas at the water front. QSL via VK4DX, direct, by the Bureau, LoTW or ClubLog's OQRS. When mailing direct QSL please include 1 x IRC for return postage. IMPORTANT: U.S. Dollars are not accepted. Any QSL with U.S. Dollars included will be replied via bureau. For more details and updates, see: http://vk4dx.com/

**SA-029. Fabio, PY2RMZ, will be active as PX1AI from Algodao Island between October 30th and November 2nd. Activity will be on 80/40/20/15/10 meters using CW, SSB and FT8. Look for more details to be forthcoming.

**SA-041. Ren, PY8WW, will be active as PX8L from Lenaois Island between September 30th and October 3rd. Activity will be on 40-10 meters using CW, SSB and FT8. QSL via PY8WW. PLEASE NOTE: This is a reissued callsign. In 2010 PX8L was activated by Xavier, PY7ZY, from the Island of São Luis-MA, IOTA SA-016. The QSL Information for this activation is PY7ZY or ClubLog.

**SA-046. (Reminder) Members of the Pernamuco Expeditionary Amateur Radio Group will be active as ZW7I from the Santa Cruz Environmental Protection Area (WWFF PYFF-0373) on Itamaraca Island between 2100z, September 17th, and 2100z, September 19th. The team mentioned is Fernando/PS8PL, Ronaldo/PS8RV, James/PU8ROT, Lucas/PY7AN, Jose/PY7BC, Jean/PY7BR, Ricardo/PY7RL and Wagner/PY7WM. Activity will be on 80/40/20/17/15/12/10 meters using
CW, SSB and FT8. QSL via PY7WM, LoTW, eQSL and E-mail.

Qsl Info


6E0CC ------- Alejandro Valdez Osorio, Apdo Postal 3-13, Col. La Era, 76151 Queretaro QRO, Mexico
6I1M -------- Patricia Mohedano, Plazuela del Refugio 1429, Col. Plazas Amalucan, 72310 Puebla PUE, Mexico
7V7V -------- Ben Lagha, 3 rue Claude Curtat, 69330 Meyzieu 69330, France
9M64MC --- Salman Al Farisi Muhammad, Peti surat 8, Pos Malaysia GPO Kuantan, 25700 Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia
9M64MK --- Mohd Hafizul Bin Md Radzi, No 966 Lorong Kuda Kepang 2, Taman Ria Jaya, 08000 Sungai Petani, Kedah, Malaysia
9M64MM --- Nornazmi Julaini, Batu 20 Kampung Lanjut Manis, Ayer Paabas, 78000 Alor Gajah, Melaka, Malaysia
9M64MN --- Mazlan bin Abdul Malek, No 183 Jalan Bukit Coral 8, Taman Coral Height, 70400 Seremban, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia
9M64MP --- Muhamad Riduan Bin Jaapar, No 67 Jalan Anggerik 5/12, Amanjaya, 08000 Sungai Petani, Kedah, Malaysia
9M64MQ --- Keith Kong, 32 Taman Liong Seng, 93200 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia
9M64MR --- Kelab Radio Amatur DX Perlis, No 79B Kampung Sempering, Jln Madu Santan, 01000 Kangar, Perlis, Malaysia
9M64MS --- BARC, Peti surat 20469, Luyang, 88761 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia
CB0ZZ ------- Esteban Asenjo Castruccio, Casilla 27194 Sucursal Apumanque, 7559001 Las Condes, Region Metropolitana, Chile
FK8GX ------ Raymond Merle, Pavillon 1, Rue des Augeres, 77520 Donnemarie Dontilly, France
FK8HM ----- Raymond Merle, Pavillon 1, Rue des Augeres, 77520 Donnemarie Dontilly, France
II8IHBC ----- Michele Politano', Via IV Novembre 23, 81042 Calvi Risorta CE, Italy
II9IABJ ------ Andrea Angelillis, Corso Sicilia 24, 95040 Motta Sant'Anastasia CT, Italy
II9IGDG ----- Antonio Di Bella, Via Badia Grande 23, 91100 Trapani TP, Italy
K4A ---------- Robert F. Beaudoin, 970 Mt View Rd, Cordova AL 35550, USA
N7F --------- N7F Never Forget, c/o American Legion Post 10, 1215 Pacific Blvd SE, Albany, OR 97321
ON8AZ ----- Francis Balcaen, Heulebosstraat 33, 8501 Heule, Belgium
OV1CDX --- Frank Fendahl, Svinoevej 2, 4750 Lundby, Denmark
PT2CVA ----Clube de Radioamadores da Escola de Comunicacoes, CCOMGEX, Estrada Parque do Contorno, Rodovia DF-001 Km 5, Setor Habitacional Taquari (Lago Norte), Brasilia - DF, 71559-902, Brazil
PT4A ------ Alex Sandro Sousa Alfenas, Rua Dona Osmira Muniz 500, Caratinga-MG, 35300-138, Brazil
PT6B ------ Ramon Fonseca Sepulveda, Residencial Menina Bonita Ap. 401, Alameda Benevento 429, Salvador - BA, 41830-595, Brazil
PX2A ------ Carlos Adalberto Carareto, Estrada de Santo Amaro 201, Sao Paulo - SP, 05544-000, Brazil
PX4M ----- Marcos Rodrigues da Silva, Rua Dona Zulmira Pereira da Silva 601, Governador Valadares - MG, 35030-140, Brazil
SX200BOH -- Ilias Varuchakis, Amfipoleos 30, 544 54 Thessaloniki, Greece
WA2NYC ---- Wireless Association Of New York City, 233 Wolverine St, Staten Island NY 10306-1746, USA

No Info received

No info received

Double Quad Antenna for VHF UHF
Magnetic Loop Antenna for 2 meters
A Beginner’s Guide To Ham Radio In Space
GENESIS Ham Satellites Lost in Launch Failure
Lightweight 6 Meter Moxon
Grounding Tips
Beam Pattern vs Heights
Experiments with 160m antennas


IOTA RULES AMENDED TO DENY CREDIT FOR AUTOMATED CONTACTS ---> The Board of Islands On The Air (IOTA) Ltd has added the following new provision in IOTA Programme Rules at B.3.10:
"Contacts claimed for IOTA credit must include contemporaneous direct initiation by the operators on both sides of the contact. Automated contacts, i.e. contacts not initiated and completed personally by both operators at the time of QSO, such as simultaneous multiband activity, are not acceptable in a programme founded on an ethos of recognising personal operating performance and skill.
The existing B.3.10 and 11 are being renumbered B.3.11 and 12. These and the other provisions of B.3 continue to apply". [TNX Roger Balister, G3KMA, IOTA Manager]


ON THE AIR IN THE AIR ---> Using the callsign HB9HC/am, the Helvetia Telegraphy Club (https://hb9htc.ch/) will be operating in the air during a hotair balloon flight on 14 September (with 15, 16 ans 18 September as backup dates), for a couple of hours between 05.30 and 09.00 UTC. The operators (HB9ABO, HB9BXE, HB9CGA, HB9TVK and HB9BSH) will run 15 watts to antennas for 40, 30 and 20 metres hanging vertically. All QSOs will be confirmed automatically via the bureau. See https://www.qrz.com/db/HB9HC/am for more information, including the direct link for anyone to track the balloon's exact position via APRS.


SAC ---> The 63rd Scandinavian Activity Contest will be held on 18-19 September (CW) and 9-10 October (SSB), from 12 UTC on Saturday to 11:59 UTC on Sunday. Scandinavian stations (Aland Islands, Denmark, Faroe Islands, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, Jan Mayen, Market Reef, Norway, Svalbard and Bear Island, Sweden) will try to work as many non-Scandinavian stations as
possible and vice versa. Complete information of the SAC events can be found
at https://www.sactest.net/.

60M NEWS. Joe, W8GEX, reports in his "60m Newsletter" (9-5-21): Atsu, 5W1SA, states [edited], "Samoa (5W) is still a rare Island country that is Covid Free. Our life on the Island is not restricted except some hard time for peoples in tourism industry.
We need to renew radio license annually and I did for year 2021 to 2022. The authority started apply new limitation for 60m amateur activity in Samoa that the frequency band from 5250-5450 kHz to 5351.5-5366.5 kHz the output power is 100W (some visitors permitted 200W) @ TX to 15W EIRP.
The new permission is sort of standard for most countries that permitted 60m for amateur.
The new license effect today 26th August 2021 as I received it, my transmit power will reduced or just use KX3 alone so it won’t exceed the limited EIRP for 60m."
To subscribe to the 60m Newsletter, go to: https://www.60metersonline.com

