We proberen regelmatig een lijst te publiceren van de meest gangbare DX-stations die dan aktief zijn.
Het DX nieuws van deze week weer voor u op een rijtje gezet door Henk Mulder, PD3H
3B8 - Mauritius
Olof, G0CKV and others (K1ZZ, KX7M, N6AA, N6VI and W6XD) will be active as 3B8M from Mauritius (AF-049) on 18-29 November, with participation in the CQ WW DX CW Contest and a focus on the low bands outside the contest. QSL via LoTW and M0OXO's OQRS.
F - France
The Radio Club de Nice (F4KJQ) will be active as TM8AB between 16 November and 1 December to commemorate the 96th anniversary of the first Transatlantic amateur two-way contact between Leon Deloy F8AB and Fred Schnell 1MO (28 November 1923).
HS - Thailand
Lars, SM6NT will be active as HS0ZME from Hua Hin, Thailand from 12 November until 6 April 2020. He will operate mainly CW on 40-10 metres. QSL via the bureau to SM6NT; he does not use Club Log or LoTW.
PJ4 - Bonaire
PJ4/K4BAI (QSL via K4BAI), PJ4/KU8E (QSL via K4BAI and LoTW) and PJ4/NE9U (QSL via NE9U) will be active from Bonaire (SA-006) on 19-26 November. They will participate in the CQ WW DX CW Contest as PJ4A (QSL via K4BAI and LoTW).
PZ - Surinam
A team of six (K0TG, K6RB, KM0O, N0AT, N6XI and W0OR) will participate in the CQ WW DX CW Contest as PZ5W from Suriname. Before the contest, starting around 20 November, they might operate SSB, RTTY,FT8 and FT4 on 30, 17 and 12m. QSL via LoTW.
TA - Turkey
Vasily, R7AL and Vlad, RK8A plan to be active as TA0/R7AL and TA0/RK8A from Bogsak Island (AS-123) on 11-14 November, and from Suluada (AS-115) on 15-17 November.
The QSL manager for both callsigns is R7AL; QSL via Club Log's OQRS.
TG - Guatamala
Dennis, KT8X will be active holiday style as TG4/KT8X from Guatemala on 22-28 November. He will operate CW, FT8 and RTTY on the HF bands, with possible part-time activity in the CQ WW DX CW Contest. QSL via LoTW only.
V2 - Antigu
Bud, AA3B will be active again as V26K from Antigua (NA-100) on 16-26 November, including an entry in the CQ WW DX CW Contest. QSL via Club Log's OQRS, LoTW, or via home call.
V4 - St. Kitts
Bob, WX4G will be active as V4/WX4G from St. Kitts (NA-104) on 20-26 November, including a single-band entry (40m) in the CQ WW DX CW Contest. QSL via home call.
V6 - Micronesia
Sho, JA7HMZ will be active again as V63DX from Pohnpei (OC-010), Micronesia on 22-27 November. He will be QRV on 160-6 metres, and will participate in the CW WW DX CW Contest as V6A. QSL for both callsigns via LoTW or direct to JA7HMZ.
YB - Indonesia
Look for Burkhard, DL3KZA to be active again as YB9/DL3KZA from Sumbawa Island (OC-150) on 14-20 November and from Lombok Island (OC-150) from 24 November to 2 December. He will operate SSB and FT8 on 40, 20, 17 and 15m. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. He does not use LoTW or Club Log.
YN - Nicaragua
Mike, AJ9C will be active again as YN2CC from Granada, Nicaragua on 19-27 November. He will operate SSB, CW, RTTY and maybe FT8 on 160-6 metres, and will participate in the CQ WW DX CW Contest. QSL via LoTW, Club Log-s OQRS, or direct to home call.
YS - El Salvador
Look for Gabo, HK4GOO to be active as YS1/HK4GOO from El Salvador on 9-16 November. He will operate SSB and FT8. QSL via LoTW, eQSL or direct to home call.
YV - Venezuela
Celebrating the 30th anniversary of Grupo DX Caracas, YV5EED, YV5IUA, YV5NR, YV5OK and YV5ZV plan to be active as YW5F from Farallon Centinela (SA-058) on 22-24 November. They expect to operate SSB, CW and FT8 on all bands, 6m included. See qrz.com for their bandplan. QSL via YV5DTA (W4DTA); logsearch on Club Log. ZD7 - St. Helena Oliver, W6NV will be active as ZD7W from St. Helena (AF-022) on 10- 30 November. Main activity will be during the CW WW DX CW Contest, with a focus on the low bands before and after the contest. QSL via LoTW, or direct to W6NV.
SV2RSG/A ---> Mount Athos
Bart Jahnke, W9JJ (ARRL Radiosport and Field Services Manager) announced on 7 November that "operations by SV2RSG/A (if from Mount Athos must identify '/A') are accepted by ARRL DXCC. While SV2RSG/A isn't yet in LoTW, we will be happy to help assist with setting that up if Monk Iakovos would like assistance (this assumes logging is or can be put into electronic Cabrillo or ADI formats)".
VP6R ---> Pitcairn
The DXpedition to Pitcairn Island went QRT on 1 November at 18 UTC. According to the latest update on Club Log, 82700 QSOs were made with 20491 callsigns from North America (52%), Asia (22,2%), Europe (20,7%) and the rest of the world (5%). The most productive bands were 20m (17099 QSOs),15m (14421), 17m (11653) and 40m (11106); the most productive mode was CW (34208 QSOs), followed by FT8 (25505) and SSB (22933). Some FT8 QSOs are still not online, though: when the team gets home, there will be a final upload, and Club Log's OQRS will be activated. QSLing details can be found on https://pitcairndx.com/qsling/. Eventually the entire log will be uploaded to LOTW. While on the island, the team helped two local hams get back on the air: Meralda, VP6MW has a new vertical for 40, 30 and 15m, and is set up now to operate FT8; Mike, VP6AZ has a repaired vertical and new beam.
VP8/VP8DXU ---> Falklands
During the week of 21-27 October team members and helpers met in Placerville and Los Altos Hills, California to consolidate, assemble, test, and prepare the equipment for transport to Punta Arenas (Chile) and eventually to the South Orkney Islands. Antennas were assembled, tuned, tested and marked for easy transport and reassembly. All software was loaded on laptops, QSOs were entered into N1MM and test logs were uploaded to their log search server over the Inmarsat BGAN satellite network. Photos of the week are posted at: https://sorkney.com/equipment-consolidation-week/
Both Paul H. Newberry, Jr., N4PN and Toivo Lamitainen (Anatoly Petrovich Repin), R1CC became Silent Key on 5 November.
Paul, who had turned 82 on 1 November, passed away suddenly from a heart attack. First licensed in 1953 as WN4YWX, he was a well-known DXer and contester, and participated in several DXpeditions - the 1979 VP2KC CQ WW DX SSB Contest DXpedition to St. Kitts, which broke the world record for the Multi-Multi category; the 1999 Hillview Gardens Borneo DXpedition (9M6AAC,V85OO and 9M6OO from the Spratly Islands); the 2009 K4M DXpedition to Midway Island and the 2013 C82DX DXpedition to Mozambique, just to name a few.
Toivo died in a tragic accident while in Israel. He was last heard on the bands as 4X/R1CC just a few days ago. An Ingrian Finn, he was born in 1940 in Leningrad, and was first licensed in 1957 as UW1BF. Over the years he was active from Magadan (UV0IA) and Moscow (UA3AEL, RA3AR, R3AR), as well as from Finland (OH1UU and OG1G).
425 DX NEWS No 1488
Editor: Henk, PD3H