DX Plaza

DXNieuws week 51-2019, verzameld door Henk, PD3H.

*** D X N E W S by PD3H ***
**** Sources: 425DXNews ****
*** Opdx, OKDXA, Twitter ***

3D2AG/P ROTUMA DXPEDITION NEWS (Update). By the time you read this,
Antoine, 3D2AG, should arrive on Rotuma; around Monday 16th, 0600 UTC.
He was expected to sail on the 14th, and it is a 48 hour trip to Rotuma.
He mentions that unloading the boat might only happen during the morning
of Tuesday, the 17th (local time). His 3D2AG/p activity may not start
until the evening of 17th or morning of 18th.
EDITOR'S NOTES: For more details, updates, and operating schedule and
frequencies, watch the QRZ.com at: https://www.qrz.com/lookup/3D2AG/P

4U1, AUSTRIA (Special Event). As of December 12th, members of the Amateur
Radio Contest DX Club (ARCDXC, http://www.cqdx.ru/4u1a ) are active using
the special callsign 4U1XMAS during the Christmas season from the 4U1A
station at the United Nations Vienna International Center. Activity will
last until December 31st. They have been on 80/40/20/15 meters using CW
and SSB. They state that there will be an International team of operators
- Santa, Ded Moroz & (YL) Snegurochka. QSL via UA3DX, direct or by the
Bureau. Just a reminder that this counts for Austria for DXCC purposes.

CE0Y - Oleh, KD7WPJ will be active as CE0Y/UR5BCP from Easter Island (SA-
001) on 26-31 December. He will operate SSB, CW, FT8 & FT4 on 60-6
metres. QSL via KD7WPJ (direct or bureau); his digital QSOs will be
uploaded to LoTW.

DL - Special callsign DL100BKW will be active throughout 2020 to mark
the 100th anniversary of the first broadcast transmission from the
Radio Station Koenigs Wusterhausen (22 December 1920), which is
regarded as the birth of statutorily regulated broadcasting in
Germany (https://100jahrerundfunk.de/english/). QSL via Club log's
OQRS; paper QSLs are not needed. A certificate will be available,
see qrz.com for information.

E4 - Russian Robinson Club's members R5EC, R7AL, RA1ZZ and RW9JZ will be
active as E44RU from near Jericho, Palestine on 6-12 January. They
will operate CW, SSB, FT8 (Fox & Hound) on 160-10 metres. QSL via
Club Log's OQRS and LoTW. See https://dxpedition.wixsite.com/e44ru
for more information.

F - Francois, F8DVD will be active as TM70TAAF on 12-26 January. QSL
via home call (direct or bureau), and LoTW. The special callsign
commemorates the 70th anniversary of first QSOs made on the amateur
radio bands by stations operating from the Terres Australes et
Antarctiques Francaises (the French Southern and Antarctic Lands).
The stations involved in early 1950 were FB8AX from Adelie Land
(Antarctica), FB8XX from the Kerguelen Islands and FB8ZZ from
Amsterdam Island.

HC - HC3AGT is the callsign used by Antonio, EA5RM while in Loja, Ecua-
dor. In his spare time he operates SSB and digital modes on 40-10
metres. Antonio will remain in the country until 5 January, with possible activity also from Guayaquil (HC2). QSL via home call.

J6, ST. LUCIA. John, AI6LY, will be active as J6/AI6LY from Soufriere,
St. Lucia, between January 4-11th (2020). Activity will be holiday style
on various HF bands. QSL via his home callsign.

OZ - Volker, DJ8VW is active as 5P8VW from Romo Island (EU-125) until 21
December. He operates SSB, CW and FT8 on 160-6 metres. QSL via Club
Log's OQRS (preferred), LoTW, eQSL, or via DJ8VW.

TF - Col, MM0NDX as TF/OJ0Y (QSL via EB7DX and LoTW) and Jonathan,
MM0OKG as TF/MM0OKG (QSL via LoTW) will be active from Iceland (EU-
021) from 31 December to 2 January. They will operate CW, SSB and
FT8 on 80-20 metres, and possibly on 160m.

UA9 - Special callsign R95WURC is active on 12-25 December to celebrate
the 95th anniversary of UFA Radio Club and the beginning of amateur
radio in the Republic of Bashkortostan (R9W). Also active in the
same period are R95WBZ, R95WFT, R95WGK, R95WJV, RW95WJ and RX95WN.
A certificate will be available on https://r9w.hamlog.ru/.

V4, ST. KITTS. Fred, WB4M, will be active as V4/WB4M from St. Kitts between
January 5-11th (2020). Activity will be limited on various HF bands and
all modes including the Digital modes. QSL via his home callsign, direct,
by the Bureau or LoTW.

VP8, ANTARCTICA. Sebastian, SQ1SGB, has been active as VP8HAL occasionally
from Halley VI British Antarctic Research Station. He will be there until
February 8th. Activity has been mainly on 7170 kHz and 14305 kHz each day
at 0100 UTC for one hour. Sometimes he can be active at 1000 and 1630 UTC.
He states that he still can't link his IC706MkIIG by CAT so he can't make
Digital QSOs. QSL via EB7DX.

VU - Once again the West Bengal Radio Club will provide assistance
during the Ganga Sagar Mela on Sagar Island (AS-153). This is the
annual gathering of Hindu pilgrims to take a holy dip in the
Ganges, where the river merges with the Bay of Bengal. Expect some
activity on he HF bands as 8T2G on 10-17 January. QSL via VU2NRO.

ZF - Vicky, AE9YL as ZF2YL and Carl, K9LA as ZF2LA will be active from
the Cayman Islands (NA-016) on 13-16 December, including operation
during the ARRL 10 Meter Contest. QSL via home calls.

DXCC NEWS. The following operation has been reportedly approved by the
ARRL for DXCC credit: VU7RI -- Lakshadweep Islands (2019)

POSSIBLE NEW DXCC ENTITY (Update). On November 23rd, more than 200,000
registered voters on the Islands of Bougainville, part of the Papua New
Guinea (PNG), headed to the polls to cast their ballots to choose between
"greater autonomy within PNG or full independence." Bougainville voted
overwhelmingly (98%) for independence from Papua New Guinea. The govern-
ment of Papua New Guinea has not yet announced what they are going to do
next. For more details, see:

WRC-19: REGION 1 50 MHZ AMATEUR ALLOCATIONS ---> IARU has released a more
detailed report (see https://www.iaru-r1.org/) on the outcome of Agenda Item
1.1 (50 MHz) at the recent World Radiocommunication Conference in Egypt.
The IARU position was to seek a 4 MHz primary allocation in Region 1 in
common with that in other ITU regions. Proposals from administrations and
Regional Telecommunications Organisations around the world ranged from no
allocation at all to the provision of a 4 MHz primary allocation.
The table at http://www.iaru-r1.org/wiki/VHF#50-54_MHz_.286_m.29 ("Overview
of 50 MHz status in ITU Region 1") is IARU's understanding of the position
on 50 MHz allocations in Region 1 before and after WRC-19. The definitive
position is the responsibility of individual national administrations.
Provisions of the ITU Regulations, as revised by WRC-19, shall enter into
force on 1 January 2021, however administrations may make provisions to
provide 50 MHz spectrum at an earlier or later date. Unless already licensed
to do so, individual amateurs should not use the newly allocated spectrum
until their national licensing authority has given the go ahead for its use.